Adding Value to VistA legacy systems

Event Details
May 28, 2014 - 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Eddie Brito, Manager of vxVistA Administrative Products will be giving a presentation on the benefits and enhancements to VistA provided by several add on applications. Brito's talk will be hosted by Fabian Lopez during his popular vxJourney webinar series. Brito will talk about the following VistA enhancement applications:

  • vxPatient Picture provides a patient picture capture process that will improve the service level to your customers and will provide an extra layer of validation and verification to improve the quality of care.
  • vxPatient Search Tool allows clinicians to identify and isolate text data within a patient’s record in real time.
  • vxImmunizations allows clinicians to document all immunizations, including actual dosages, CVX codes, and manufacturer of immunizations.