PODCAST: One-on-One w/Kern Medical Center CIO Bill Fawns, Chapter 1
Anthony Guerra | HealthsystemCIO.com | September 16, 2010
As one of the few healthcare CIOs who didn’t grow up in the industry, Bill Fawns may be a bit more willing to look at different solutions to his organization’s software issues. And while Medsphere’s OpenVista technology was born and raised in the VA, it’s still seen by many lifers as the unconventional choice. Perhaps that’s why the two have come together in Kern Medical Center’s quest for an EMR that will earn it Meaningful Use monies.
To learn more about his open source journey, and how Medsphere supplanted McKesson on the clinical side of his shop, healthsystemCIO.com editor Anthony Guerra recently caught up with the California-based CIO.
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