Narayana Hrudayalaya & Harvard/MIT Join Hands to Launch m-Health Project

EH News Bureau | Express Healthcare | January 15, 2011

Narayana Hrudayalaya (NH) and SANA (a research group at Harvard/MIT) had a collaboration on a mobile healthcare project to enable screening and early detection of chronic diseases in India. Said Dr Devi Shetty, Chairman, NH, "The opportunities are unlimited and by using technology, we will enable provision of high quality medical care at minimal price."

Said Dr Moni Kuriakose, project lead at NH, "Most patients at our hospitals show up with stage-four tumors that cost lakhs to treat and survival is 30 per cent. If detected early, the survival rates go upto 90 per cent and cost 15-30 thousand rupees to treat".

Sidhant Jena, SANA team lead and Harvard Business School student, added, "The technology is an open source and ideally suited for developing countries like India With the proliferation of mobile networks, smart phones, and open source software, we can overcome three fundamental issues in telemedicine - power, cost and connectivity."