Healthcare is Different Part II

John Halamka | Life as a Healthcare CIO | August 22, 2011

I recently posted a blog entry,  Healthcare is Different, examining the ways that healthcare differs from  other businesses. Numerous folks sent me email agreeing and disagreeing with my points. Here's a compilation of some additional ways that my readers suggested healthcare is different.

*Domain Expertise - the vocabulary, science, and physical skills necessary to practice medicine are very complex compared to most other professions.   For example to become a neurosurgeon requires kindergarten-high school, 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, 7 years of residency, and generally a 2 year fellowship.   That's 30 years of education.

*No second chance -  In retail, if a good is defective it can be exchanged.  In service businesses, there is the concept of a redo, a repair, or renovation.  The concept of "returned goods" does not existing [sic] healthcare....