SESL at Bio-ITWorld Europe: What's the Future of Knowledge Brokering?

Ian Harrow | Pistoia Alliance | October 17, 2011

I was able to take SESL on a public spin at the Bio-ITWorld meeting last week in Hannover, and it was very well received. As we at the Pistoia Alliance bring this project to a close, it’s clear that we’re in a SESL-is-dead, long-live-SESL situation as we determine the best way to leverage the lessons from this project in other initiatives—very likely the Open PHACTS project sponsored by the IMI.

In my presentation on the SESL pilot on Wednesday, I not only gave an overview of the project, but also exploited the wifi connection to show off the public demonstrator. The demonstrator provides a single point of query for gene or disease information from four publishers and three bioinformatics databases. The simple GUI offers summary results for the queries with links to full text details from the publishers and links to the bioinformatics databases. In other words, it demonstrates that knowledge brokering of primary data sources can be achieved...