State HIE Plans now available from ONC

ONC | ONC Web Site | March 30, 2012

The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology, within the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), has established a portal with links to all Health Information Exchange (HIE) Plans by State.

Widespread adoption and meaningful use of HIT is one of the foundational steps in improving the quality and efficiency of health care. The appropriate and secure electronic exchange and consequent use of health information to improve quality and coordination of care is a critical enabler of a high performance health care system.


Other State HIE news clips

The links to all 'State HIE Plans' collected and published by ONC is extremely useful. Open Health News also has a large collection of news clips and links related to Health Information Exchange (HIE). Check out some of these at We hope to see a similar collection soon by ONC of more comprehensive 'Health IT Plans by State'.