What The White House Learned From LinkedIn And The Use Of Big Data
One of the best presentations at the recent Big Data Innovation Summit in Boston was by LinkedIn Senior Data Scientist Yael Garten. Garten, who leads LinkedIn's Mobile Data Analytics team, in a presentation entitled Data Infused Product Design & Insights at LinkedIn provided a glimpse of how big data is used by LinkedIn to explore usage patterns, on mobile devices, for instance.
This is a challenge facing the US Government in the new Digital Government Strategy: namely delivering existing web sites and database information -- and eventually the types of big data results that the intelligence and scientific communities have -- so that mobile devices can access that information from supercomputers.
For those who haven't kept up with LinkedIn's progress of late: It's mission is to "connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful." Here are a few facts at glance, from Garten's presentation:
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