Is The Presidential Election Healthcare's Own Perfect Storm For EHRs?
Lee Barrett | Government Health IT | November 2, 2012
When two opposing forces collide, the results can be devastating. Earlier this week Hurricane Sandy — a warm air, warm-water storm moving up from the south — met up with a bitterly cold nor’easter, creating a monster storm that battered the East Coast.
On the eve of the presidential election, healthcare leaders cannot help but wonder if the industry facing its own perfect storm.
Obama’s administration gave us the HITECH legislation, enacted to accelerate the federal initiative for adoption of certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) while allowing health care providers and hospitals to receive incentive payments for its adoption. So what happens to HITECH and CEHRT after the 2012 election?
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- Tags:
- Affordable Care Act (ACA)
- Barack Obama
- certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT)
- economy
- electronic health records (EHRs)
- government regulation
- Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act
- healthcare
- healthcare costs
- healthcare industry
- healthcare providers
- incentives
- Meaningful Use (MU)
- Mitt Romney
- patient care
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