Carbon Nanotube Film Restores Light Sensitivity To Blind Retinas

Lisa Zyga | Phys.Org | November 11, 2014

Light striking the retina in the back of the eye is the first major step in the vision process. But when the photoreceptors in the retina degenerate, as occurs in macular degeneration, the retina no longer responds to light, and the person loses some or all of their sight. However, if the retina can be made sensitive to light with the help of some type of optoelectronic implant, then vision may be restored.

The development of artificial retinas still faces many challenges: the implants should provide long-term light sensitivity, should have high spatial resolution, should not contain wires, and should be made of materials that are biocompatible and mechanically flexible. Candidate materials include conducting polymers and quantum dot films, with each having its own advantages and disadvantages in these areas.

Another approach to restoring light sensitivity involves optogenetics, in which light-sensitive proteins (bacterial opsins) are introduced into neurons in the retina. However, this method still requires an electrode to assist in light-induced stimulation of these neurons.  In a new paper published in Nano Letters, researchers at Tel Aviv University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Newcastle University have found that a film containing carbon nanotubes and nanorods is particularly effective for wire-free retinal photostimulation...