Apache 2.0 license
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DSS, Inc. Releases New Version of Open Source EHR, vxVistA, to Healthcare IT Community
Document Storage Systems, Inc. (DSS, Inc.), a leading provider of health information technology (HIT) solutions for federal, private and public healthcare organizations, today announced the release of the latest vxVistA Open Source electronic health record (EHR) version 15.0 under Apache 2.0 license. The latest version of vxVistA will improve workflow efficiency, enable interoperability and enhance patient safety through modernizing the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) legacy system. Hospitals, clinics, physician practices and community health organizations are able to access vxVistA 15.0 via The VistA Extensions Hub...
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GenoCAD, and Open Source Synthetic Biology Tool Is Transioned to the Private Sector by the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute

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Open Source Motion Controller Revolutionizes Human-Computer Interactions
The Leap Motion Controller is a step towards breaking down this barrier with motion control, using the original human interface: the hand. It’s a small USB peripheral that tracks your hands within an interaction zone of eight cubic feet. While the hardware is fairly simple—featuring three infrared lights and a pair of cameras—the software makes possible high-precision tracking with near-zero latency... Read More »
Open Source Projects Are Transforming Machine Learning and AI
Machine learning and artificial intelligence have quickly gained traction with the public through applications such as Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana. The true promise of these disciplines, though, extends far beyond simple speech recognition performed on our smartphones. New, open source tools are arriving that can run on affordable hardware and allow individuals and small organizations to perform prodigious data crunching and predictive tasks.
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VistA EHR Community and OSEHRA Experiences Extraordinary Growth in 2014
We have recorded a robust year of growth during 2014 and have laid a solid foundation for market expansion in 2015. OSEHRA corporate membership doubled during 2014. Corporate Members include large, medium and small corporations, nonprofits, academic institutions and international organizations that are leaders in health information technology...our primary open source electronic health record product, VistA, was rated by a MedScape survey as the most preferred EHR by physician users again in 2014. Further, our corporate members collaborate on policy, marketing, education and software initiatives. We expect the business opportunities for corporate members to grow considerably next year as the marketplace for open source health IT continues to expand. Read More »
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VistA is Going Places, and Also Staying Put
The Veterans Health Administration's hospital software, VistA, is a computing legend. Few pieces of software have become the subject of a popular book (Best Care Anywhere), won repeated awards for their usability, or been credited with a 180-degree turn-around in an organization's quality. But VistA is getting long in the tooth, and many--including now the VA itself--are questioning whether it's time for something new.The speculations aren't just about VistA. They extend to all health care software of that generation, including the industry's leading electroinc health record (EHR) system--Epic--and the venerable Intermountain Healthcare.
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