CC0 Public Domain Dedication

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Global Coalition Pushes for Unrestricted Sharing of Scholarly Citation Data

This week a coalition of scholarly publishers, researchers, and nonprofit organizations launched the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC), a project to promote the unrestricted open access to scholarly citation data. From the website: "Citations are the links that knit together our scientific and cultural knowledge. They are primary data that provide both provenance and an explanation for how we know facts. They allow us to attribute and credit scientific contributions, and they enable the evaluation of research and its impacts. In sum, citations are the most important vehicle for the discovery, dissemination, and evaluation of all scholarly knowledge"...

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OpenFDA: Innovative Initiative Opens Door To Wealth Of FDA’s Publicly Available Data

Taha Kass-Hout | openFDA | June 2, 2014

OpenFDA is specifically designed to make it easier for developers, researchers, and the public to access and use the many large, important, health data sets collected by the agency.

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