The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the availability of $195 million in a new funding opportunity for community health centers to expand access to mental health and substance abuse services focusing on the treatment, prevention and awareness of opioid abuse in all U.S. states, territories and the District of Columbia. The awards are expected to be made in September of this year. Health centers that receive an award will use the funds to increase the number of personnel dedicated to mental health and substance abuse services and to leverage health information technology and training to support the expansion of mental health and substance abuse services and their integration into primary care.
community health centers
See the following -
CMS To Invest $5+ Billion a Year in Open Source and Cloud-based IT Infrastructure for Medicaid
After more than 40 years of relying on monolithic mainframe platforms to administer its services, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has embraced a new modular, open and agile approach to Medicaid health information technology for the Federal government and States. In many ways, this is the best of what open source advocates and technology innovators could have hoped for when it comes to open source policy from a government agency. According to Andrew Slavitt, Acting Administrator of CMS, the agency will spend more than $5 billion a year to fund this transformation.
Community Health Network in Houston Leverages Open Source Tech to Help Victims of Hurricane Harvey
Undaunted by the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey in Houston, the Stephen F. Austin Community Health Network (SFA) responded to the crisis by leveraging open source technology to reach out to their patients and victims of the hurricane in areas of Texas that are virtually inaccessible. The Health Network, a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) covering Brazoria County, is one of the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Harvey and currently recovering. Using an advanced cloud-based version of the OpenEMR software, the SFA Community Health Network has been able to treat patients in clinics physically unreachable by their medical providers.
- The Future Is Open
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HHS announces the availability of $195 million to expand substance abuse and mental health services at health centers nationwide
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How Community Health Centers Support Patient-Centered Care
Each year, HHS celebrates Community Health Centers week. It is a time where the agency recognizes the impact community health centers have on patient-centered care and how they promote access to care in vulnerable or medically underserved populations...
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ONC Patient Matching Project Moving Forward...Slowly
Last week, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) released the final report from its Patient Matching, Aggregation, and Linking (PMAL) Project, as well as an additional report describing a pilot project to test the Patient Demographic Data Quality Framework (PDDQ) to Support Patient Matching that was released several years ago. Funded from June 2015 through September 2018 by the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) through the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) Trust Fund, PMAL was one of the activities I described in an earlier post. The Final Report reviews the four challenged of patient matching and linking that the PMAL project attempted to address...
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OpenEMR Community Responds to HRSA Call for Advanced EHR Solutions for Community Health Centers
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is taking major steps to help Community Health Centers across the US tackle the devastating opioid epidemic by providing funding for substance abuse services and modern EHRs. OpenEMR, a modern, customizable, open-source and ONC Certified EHR is the best solution for high impact and cost-effective information technology solutions for Community Health Centers
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popHealth Community and OSEHRA Release Major Update to Open Source Clinical Quality Measure Database and Reporting Engine
This is the second major release since popHealth version 3.0 was transitioned to the OSEHRA popHealth Community in 2014. It is the culmination of collaborative efforts by members of the OSEHRA popHealth Steering Work Group and the Developer Open Source Project Group. OSEHRA Organizational Member Zato Health co-funded the ONC certification and provided key technical support throughout the process, coordinating closely with the Connecticut Department of Social Services/ Medicaid. Group members from Northwestern University, eHealthConnecticut, Alabama State Medicaid, and Qualifacts all made significant code, expertise, and infrastructure contributions...
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Sssh! DataWell’s Clear-Cut Priority Is the Protection of Confidentiality
Everywhere people are, be it out shopping in a supermarket or sitting at home online, they are adding information to their digital footprint – which feeds into what is known as Big Data and so enables them to be traced. The use of Big Data can be beneficial to society, particularly in terms of health – which is why Gary Leeming’s job as director of informatics for the Greater Manchester Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) is to source and use the digital health footprints of patients both their for own benefit and that of clinicians...
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