Noam ArztA recent article in HealthAffairs describes a significant decline in the number of both operational HIEs and HIEs in the planning stage from several years earlier. The authors note continuing barriers to broad-based HIE and a shift to vendor-driven exchange which diminishes the effectiveness of community-based networks. In effect, this translates to a shift away from geographic-based/dominated HIEs to product-dominated HIEs. We have already noted (see The Interoperability of Things) the lack of a national strategy on HIE, and ONC’s Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap barely mentions the concept.
Deloitte Consulting
See the following -
Atlas Research Wins $85M Veterans Affairs BPA to Provide Program Management and Lean Six Sigma Support
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Enterprise Integration (formerly the Office of Policy and Planning, Enterprise Program Management Office) has established a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with Atlas Research to provide a wide range of professional support services to bring program/project management and process improvement best practices to critical VA programs...Atlas Research will support the implementation of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (“Choice Act”) and key initiatives under the MyVA reorganization plan. The transformation will impact millions of internal and external stakeholders as VA strives to provide Veterans with seamless, integrated, and responsive services.
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Data Management for Large-scale COVID-19 Immunization: This is all not as simple as it seems
There is a global race for the development of a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Finding a vaccine that works and receives approval is only part of the process. There are a series of other steps that need to be taken so that the vaccine can be delivered. These include the mass production of the vaccine, shipment, administration and record-keeping. This may be even more complex as there may be several vaccines. In this article we review some of these issues with a particular focus on the United States.
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The Reduction of State-coordinated HIE: How Should Public Health React?
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