A “Malaria Box” that could hold the answer to discovering new drugs to treat tropical diseases and cancer has been created for researchers around the world. Griffith University tropical disease researchers have joined together with a host of international laboratories to advance drug discovery for major topical diseases through the creation and testing of the Malaria Box. In a paper published this week in the top journal PLoS Pathogens, the global team present findings on a panel of 400 chemical compounds – dubbed the “Malaria Box” – with potential application as therapeutic starting points for diseases like malaria, trypanosomiasis and toxoplasmosis.
drug resistance
See the following -
Africa: New Push On Malaria
Malaria researchers believe that better coordination and new technologies, such as the use of vaccines and sophisticated disease mapping, can inject new life into the ambitious goal of eradicating the deadly illness. Read More »
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Drug-Resistant Bacteria On Chicken: It’s Everywhere And The Government Can’t Help
Two important, linked publications are out today, both carrying the same message: The way we raise poultry in this country is creating an under-appreciated health hazard, and the government structures we depend upon to detect that hazard and protect us from it are failing us. Read More »
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Feeding A Disease With Fake Drugs
Thanks to billions of dollars spent on diagnosis and treatment [for tuberculosis] over the past decade, deaths and infections are slowly declining. Yet a disturbing phenomenon has emerged that could not only reverse any gains we’ve made, but also encourage the spread of a newly resistant form of the disease. Read More »
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Funding Crunch Hits Neglected Diseases Plan
The Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) programme — a global collaborative initiative supported by the Indian government to find affordable treatment for neglected tropical diseases — has suffered a temporary setback due to a funds crunch caused by tardy submission of funding estimates. Read More »
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Griffith Scientists Unlock the “Malaria Box”
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Last Mile: A Matter of Life and Death
Access to essential medicines is not only about the development and cost of pharmaceuticals but also supply chain logistics. The "last mile" plays a particularly important (and challenging) role in low- and middle-income countries, such as Uganda. Industrial and systems engineering research reveals major disparities in access to essential medicines. Although Malaria accounts for 50% of a country's morbidity and mortality, some districts only have 50% of public health facilities with regular supplies of therapies...
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Malaria Detection Device To Be Field Tested A Year Ahead Of Schedule
A European Union-funded mHealth project to develop a mobile device using nanotechnology to rapidly detect malaria infection and drug resistance will be ready for field testing in 2013--a year ahead of schedule--according to a university announcement. Read More »
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Microsoft Makes Cloud-Based Biological Research Tool Open Source
Bio Model Analyzer, a Microsoft cloud-based tool that biologists can use to model cell interactions and communications, is now available as open-source on GitHub under a MIT license. Researchers use Bio Model Analyzer (BMA) to create computer models that can compare the processes within healthy and diseased cells. Researchers drag and drop cells, their contents (such as DNA or proteins), and extracellular components onto a canvas. They can also draw the relationships between these components...
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Nanomal Smartphone-Like Malaria Detection Device To Be Field Tested One Year Earlier Than Scheduled
A pioneering mobile device using cutting-edge nanotechnology to rapidly detect malaria infection and drug resistance will be ready for field testing this year, one year ahead of schedule. Read More »
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New Path for Drug Development
The 1960s was a decade that witnessed humans setting foot on the moon and a bloody war that changed the history. In between these events, a drug that would be the mainstay for doctors for decades to fight a smart bug, was born. Rifampicin was the last novel class of antibiotics against Mycobacterium tuberculosis till the arrival of bedaquiline at the fag end of 2012. Discovered in 1965, Rifampicin was marketed in Italy in 1968 and was approved by the US regulatory body in 1971...
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Reckless' Antibiotic Prescribing Fuelling Superbugs As Some GPs Prescribing Twice As Much As Others [United Kingdom]
Family doctors in some areas are handing out twice as many antibiotics than others as former health minister condemns 'reckless' prescribing for fuelling superbugs. GPs in some areas of England are prescribing more antibiotics per 100,000 people than others, an investigation by the Daily Telegraph has found...
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Superbugs Killing More People than Breast Cancer, Trust Warns
The superbug crisis is killing more patients than breast cancer as the Government is relying on flawed figures which mask the true scale of the problem, health experts have warned. The Department of Health estimates that 5,000 people die each year due to drug resistance, but Dr Ron Daniels, chief executive of the UK Sepsis Trust, claims the true figure is around 12,000. The number of deaths is rising each year as more bugs that lead to blood poisoning are becoming resistant to antibiotics...
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Superbugs Will Kill 10 Million a Year by 2050
Healthcare experts have long warned drug-resistant superbugs are a "looming global threat," but left unchecked, they may kill someone every three seconds by 2050, according to a new report. The Review on Antimicrobial Resistance began in 2014 and in the meantime, antibiotic-resistant infections have already wrought havoc, causing several outbreaks linked to contaminated scopes and proving potentially more deadly than cancer, according to experts...
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The Grim Propect of Antibiotic Resistance
When people hear about antibiotic resistance creating “superbugs”, they tend to think of new diseases and pandemics spreading out of control. The real threat is less flamboyant, but still serious: existing problems getting worse, sometimes dramatically. Infections acquired in hospital are a prime example. They are already a problem, but with more antibiotic resistance they could become a much worse one. Elective surgery, such as hip replacements, now routine, would come to carry what might be seen as unacceptable risk. So might Caesarean sections. The risks of procedures which suppress the immune system, such as organ transplants and cancer chemotherapies, would increase...
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The President’s Precision Medicine Initiative – The First Annual Check-Up
Watching President Obama’s recent 2016 State of the Union Address reminded me that one year has passed since the President announced a new “precision” or personalized medicine initiative to advance personalized, effective therapies for the American public. It was during his 2015 State of the Union Address that the President stated:[1]
“[T]onight, I’m launching a new Precision Medicine Initiative to bring us closer to curing diseases like cancer and diabetes, and to give all of us access to the personalized information we need to keep ourselves and our families healthier. We can do this.”...
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