See the following -
Open Source in Government IT: It Is About Savings but That's Not the Whole Story
The US government spends about $6bn per year on software licenses and maintenance, according to the Office of Management and Budget. Given the scale of that spending, it's understandable that the US, like other administrations around the world, is considering open-source software and open software standards as a way of saving money. But more than just seeing the move to open source as a cost-effective alternative, public officials worldwide view it as a means of speeding up innovation in the public sector...
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Rackspace Launches OpenStack Amazon Cloud Rival
Rackspace announced today it is going to make its OpenStack-based cloud services open to European businesses this August, as it looks to offer an alternative to popular proprietary clouds like that of Amazon Web Services. Read More »
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Scaling Up Health Knowledge at European Level Requires Sharing Integrated Data
...Dr Menditto continues "Combining databases from multiple countries exploiting common structural elements will help increasing the cohorts both on numerical and geographical coverage aspects. At the moment there is not a gold standard to perform multiple healthcare database integration among different countries and different health systems. The EIP-AHA represents an opportunity to compare practices, identify common needs and establish good practices and harmonized approaches with a view to maximize the effective exploitation of large data sets and provide the basis for studying population cohorts at European level...
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Socrata Partners With Ethos To Deliver Government Open Performance Solution In The United Kingdom And Europe
Socrata, a Seattle and London-based, open government, open data, and open performance solutions company, has announced a strategic partnership with UK headquartered, Ethos, the leading provider of “Smart City” solutions. Together, Socrata and Ethos will partner to deliver an open performance solution specifically designed to create measurable outcomes for cities and municipalities in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe.
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Special Report: When the Drugs Don't Work
Welcome to a world where the drugs don't work...for decades scientists have managed to develop new medicines to stay at least one step ahead of an ever-mutating enemy.
Now, though, we may be running out of road. MRSA alone is estimated to kill around 19,000 people every year in the United States -- far more than HIV and AIDS -- and a similar number in Europe. Other drug-resistant superbugs are spreading. Cases of often fatal "extensively drug resistant" tuberculosis have mushroomed over the past few years. A new wave of "super superbugs" with a mutation called NDM 1, which first emerged in India, has now turned up all over the world, from Britain to New Zealand.
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Tasly Pharmaceuticals To Use OpenClinica Enterprise For TCM Clinical Trial Data Management
OpenClinica, LLC announces that Tasly Pharmaceuticals Inc. has selected the OpenClinica Enterprise Edition for clinical trial electronic data capture (EDC) and clinical data management. Tasly Pharmaceuticals is a research-driven group invested in the development and distribution of modern TCM (Traditional Chinese
Medicine) throughout key markets across Southeast Asia, Europe, North America and Africa.
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The Linux Foundation Announces 2017 Events Schedule
The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit advancing professional open source management for mass collaboration, today announced its 2017 events schedule. Linux Foundation events are where the creators, maintainers and practitioners of the world's most important open source projects meet. Linux Foundation events in 2016 attracted over 20,000 developers, maintainers, sysadmins, thought leaders, business executives and other industry professionals from more than 4,000 organizations across 85 countries...
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The State of Health IT in Europe
...In the UK, I heard a great deal about misalignment between IT departments and clinicians. IT departments are reluctant to embrace social, mobile, analytics, and cloud, instead insisting on centralized command and control of Windows desktop devices, often running Citrix/Virtual Desktop. Clinicians want mobile devices, universal access to applications anytime from anywhere on any device, and big data visualizations... Read More »
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ThoughtWorks Sells Out Third Annual XConf Manchester
ThoughtWorks, the leading global, digital transformation consultancy, sold out its third annual tech conference, XConf, in Manchester on Thursday 14th July - another sign that Manchester's tech community continues to thrive and grow. From building a LEGO set to demonstrate software development, to illustrating the history of blockchain as a spotlight on the future, the one-day conference addressed the hottest trends and topics in technology right now...
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Tracking Deadly Superbug Infections Across Europe with Web-Based Open Tools that Use Genome Sequencing and Open APIs
For the first time, scientists have shown that MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and other antibiotic-resistant ‘superbug’ infections can be tracked across Europe by combining whole-genome sequencing with a web-based system. In mBio today (5 May 2016) researchers at Imperial College London and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute worked with a European network representing doctors in 450 hospitals in 25 countries to successfully interpret and visualise the spread of drug-resistant MRSA...
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Universal Healthcare Doesn't Mean Waiting Longer to See A Doctor
A new report from the Commonwealth Fund shows that people in other industrialized nations get doctors' appointments faster than Americans do. Read More »
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US Firms Worry Edward Snowden Is Wrecking Their Business, But The Patriot Act Was Already Doing That
Shortly after a meeting of an EU-sponsored program to push European cloud-computing capabilities in Estonia last month, a high-ranking EC official noted that the biggest losers from Edward Snowden’s revelation about US surveillance would be US businesses: Read More »
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Vibrent Health Joins Europe’s Open Source RADAR-CNS Program to Develop Scalable Analytics Platform for Health Wearables
Health technology company Vibrent Health...expands its digital health solutions business into Europe through a partnership with Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse – Central Nervous System (RADAR-CNS). Vibrent Health will work with the Europe-led consortium on developing digital health programs featuring predictive analytics designed to monitor and help improve treatment for depression, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. RADAR-CNS is conducting research using a range of medical-grade sensors, such as electro-cardiograms, as well as a growing portfolio of consumer-grade sensors, including accelerometers and smartphone applications, that collect participant data from surveys and smartphone sensors.
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Why an MRI Costs $1,080 in America and $280 in France
There is a simple reason health care in the United States costs more than it does anywhere else: The prices are higher.
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Games For Health Europe 2013
Games for Health reached Europe in 2011. The non-profit Games for Health Europe is the official sister conference of the Games for Health project in the U.S. Their goal is to help bring serious gaming and healthcare together in order to contribute to more advanced healthcare across Europe. Read More »
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