Last week, HL7 held it’s annual plenary meeting in Baltimore at the Hyatt Regency...For the FHIR project, our main attention was the ballot. Across the core standard, and multiple implementation guides, we received >800 detailed comments as part of the ballot. This represents a slight increase over the last ballot, but there was a clear change in the focus of the comments – there was a significant drop in the number of comments relating to the infrastructure, and much more focus on the domain content, and it’s applicability to real world problems. This is a clear marker of the growing maturity of the standard. We continue to expect that we’ll publish FHIR release 3 at the end of this year.
FHIR specification
See the following -
Composable Software, Collaborative Development, and the CareWeb Framework
The CareWeb Framework (CWF) enables the software developer to build complex, richly interactive, web-based applications in a modular fashion...The CWF has been used as the basis for a complete EHR and CPOE system and has been ported to several open source EHRs, including OpenMRS, VistA, and RPMS. The CWF is open source software built upon open source software. Read More »
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Grahame Grieve on What Project Argonaut Means for the HL7/FHIR Community
Project Argonaut was announced last week. You can see the announcement here. That press release was intended for an external community, and didn’t address lots of important questions for the HL7 community itself. So here’s an outline of what project Argonaut means in practice for HL7.
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Grahame Grieve's FHIR report from Baltimore HL7 Meeting
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Test-Driven Development With FHIR
While preparing for, and participating in, the recent FHIR Connectathon 11 held in Orlando, Florida, yet another benefit of FHIR’s implementer-friendly philosophy became apparent to me – the ability to facilitate Test-Driven Development (TDD). TDD has been defined as “a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: first the developer writes an (initially failing) automated test case that defines a desired improvement or new function, then produces the minimum amount of code to pass that test, and finally refactors the new code to acceptable standards.” Dating back to 2003, TDD is now considered by many developers to represent the state of their art – shining some much-needed light on the darkness might be another way of looking at it!
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US Senate Releases Draft Future Pandemic Preparedness Plan - Asks for Feedback
On June 10, 2020 the US Senate released a white paper titled "Preparing for the Next Pandemic" under the signature of Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee. The white paper has five recommendations to address future pandemics based on lessons learned from COVID-19 and the past 20 years of pandemic planning. "The five recommendations...along with a series of questions at the end of this white paper, are intended to elicit recommendations that Congress can consider and act on this year," Senator Alexander said in a statement, adding that "I am inviting comments, responses, and any additional recommendations for the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions to consider. This feedback will be shared with my colleagues, both Democrat and Republican." This feedback from the public will be accepted until June 26, 2020... Read More »
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