When it comes to health care, testing is not what it used to be, or what it is going to be in the not-too-distant future. For example, confirmation of a cancer diagnosis is getting much easier. The New York Times reported that blood tests -- known as "liquid biopsies" -- have now been shown to generally match the results of a tumor biopsy. The blood tests look for DNA fragments from the tumor that signal its presence. The liquid biopsies are useful for both detecting the presence of a tumor and its ongoing monitoring. The current generation of tests are not perfect, with as many as 15% of tumors not generating enough DNA to be detected, but they do offer the advantage of not requiring an invasive procedure...
See the following -
They're Killing The PC
First things first. Yes, PC sales are dismal. They're not coming back. It's not just because we love our tablets and smartphones. It's also because almost all the vendors are pushing us away from the PC model to sealed, cloud-based appliances as fast as they can. Read More »
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Think Mobile Is Big Now? Here's Proof That It's Just Getting Started
So, you think that the Mobile Revolution is complete and the battle between smartphones and PCs is all but won? Think again. Read More »
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This Actually Is a Test
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This Algorithm Accidentally Predicted Which Hospital Patients Were Most Likely To Die
Sepsis is one of the biggest hospital hazards you’ve maybe never heard of. When the body overreacts to an infection, it can trigger widespread inflammation that can in turn cause tissue damage and organ failure. It causes one-third to one-half of all deaths in US hospitals. But because sepsis’s symptoms, like fever and difficulty breathing, sometimes look a lot like other illnesses, it can be hard to detect, especially in the early stages. So a team at Banner Health, a hospital system in Phoenix, Arizona, turned to computer science for a solution...
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This Automaker Just Joined IBM and Google as a Patron of Open-Source Software
While not as momentous as its introduction of the Prius in 1997—the first mass-produced hybrid vehicle—Toyota Motor Corp TM 0.17% quietly took another bold, industry-leading step toward technological innovation last month. The world’s largest automaker ponied up a one-time fee—believed to be $20 million—and became the eighth full member of a consortium that most people do not associate with the auto industry at all...
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This Device Could Solve One Of The Biggest Problems Facing Wearable Tech
Today, headphones are typically used to temporarily shut out your surroundings. In the near future, however, devices such as the Dash smart earphones could be used to enhance the world around you by providing supplemental information about the people you meet and the places you visit — without looking obnoxious...
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Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the Web, Plots a Radical Overhaul of His Creation
Thirteen years ago the Queen of England dubbed Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the worldwide web, a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Today he received what in the tech world counts as a much higher distinction: a Turing Award. The prestigious prize, presented each year by the Association for Computing Machinery, amounts to the Nobel Prize of computing and comes with a million dollars. Berners-Lee received the award for creating the technology that underpins the web 28 years ago. But he sees his creation as the work of countless other people—and believes that work is far from over...
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Time For Internet Engineers To Fight Back Against The “Surveillance Internet”
Amid torrent of revelations that the NSA finds mass surveillance easy, the IETF ponders how to harden the Internet. Read More »
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Time to Choose: Are You Investing in Open Source or Not?
In 1996, the term "open source" didn't exist. Yet 20 years later, open source technology spans countless projects and brings together the collective talent of millions. Take a close look at any open source project or community of developers and you'll find incredible levels of speed, innovation, and agility. Open source participation varies wildly. Some developers devote their professional lives to open source software projects; others contribute their time and talent as an avocation. While the communities behind the software continue to grow, the technology itself is playing both a foundational role in the most important technology developments of the past 20 years and is also an integral role in the strategies powering many of today's leading organizations...
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Tired of Patent Wars? Use Open Source Instead
PC World — As a geek and longtime tech reporter, there are few things I love writing about more than cool new technological innovations. It never ceases to amaze me what we humans can come up with, particularly when some good technology is fueling the effort. Read More »
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Top 10 Amazon Cloud Challengers
Amazon may rule the roost for now, but these companies could take a big bite out of the cloud market Read More »
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Top 10 FOSS Legal Developments of 2014
The year 2014 continued the trend of the increasing importance of legal issues for the FOSS community. Continuing the tradition of looking back over the top ten legal developments in FOSS, my selection of the top ten issues for 2014 is as follows...
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Top 10 Open Source Legal Developments in 2015
In 2015 there were a variety of legal issues of importance to the FOSS (free and open source) community. Continuing the tradition of looking back over the top ten legal developments in FOSS, my selection of the top ten issues for 2015 is as follows:
- Settlement of Versata cases interpreting General Public License version 2 (GPLv2)
- First decision interpreting General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
- Linux programmer sues VMware for violation of GPLv2 for Linux
- Community GPL compliance
- European Commission antitrust investigation of Google and its Android operating System (Android OS)...
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Top 8 Open Source Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies in Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are quickly transforming almost every sphere of our lives. From how we communicate to the means we use for transportation, we seem to be getting increasingly addicted to them. Because of these rapid advancements, massive amounts of talent and resources are dedicated to accelerating the growth of the technologies. Here is a list of 8 best open source AI technologies you can use to take your machine learning projects to the next level.
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Top Open Source Projects to Watch in 2017
No one has a crystal ball to see the future of technology. Even for projects developed out in the open, code alone can't tell us whether or not a project is destined for success—but there are hints along the way. For example, perhaps it's not unreasonable to assume that the projects that will help shape our future are those projects that have first seen rapid growth and popularity among the developer community. So which new projects should an open source developer watch in 2017? Let's take a look at a few projects that emerged in 2016 to achieve rapid notoriety in the GitHub community...
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