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ONC Releases Final Rule on Interoperability: How Might it Affect Public Health?
On March 9, 2020 the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) released its final rule on the 21st Century Cures Act: Interoperability, Information Blocking, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program. Referred to by some people as the "Information Blocking Rule," since this is the primary topic, the document actually covers a host of other issues related to interoperability driven primarily by requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act. In addition to the final rule itself you can read the ONC press release, a comparison between the proposed and final rules, and lots of other resources.
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ONC Releases New NPRM on Interoperability: How Might it Affect Public Health?
On February 11, 2019, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) released its latest Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to Improve the Interoperability of Health Information. Referred to by some people as the "Information Blocking NPRM," since this was the primary topic anticipated, the document actually covers a host of other topics related to interoperability driven primarily by requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act. Besides the initial text of the NPRM, ONC also released a set of summary slides and fact sheets to help explain the document.
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ONC Selects Noam Arzt to serve on the ONC Trusted Exchange Framework Task Force
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has selected Dr. Noam H. Arzt, President of HLN Consulting (HLN), as a member of the Trusted Exchange Framework Task Force. This group of healthcare and health information technology specialists will advise ONC on various aspects of the Draft Trusted Exchange Framework. This framework outlines a common set of principles for trusted exchange of health information records and minimum terms and conditions for trusted exchange as directed by Congress in the 21st Century Cures Act.
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ONC Shows Path To Stage 2 Meaningful Use Via Blue Button
Things may be changing at the top spot in the Office of the National Coordinator, but one thing staying the same is the department’s commitment to patient engagement through its support of the Blue Button, the tool which gives patients the ability to download their electronic medical record with the press of a button. Read More »
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ONC Taps Redesign Winners As Blue Button Continues Evolution
Continuing its pursuit of a widely-adopted, interoperable, and user-friendly patient portal, the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) has announced the winners of its competition to provide a comprehensive redesign of the Blue Button interface. The design improvements come alongside a rebranding of the initiative, now known as Blue Button+. [...] Read More »
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ONC Targets 2024 For Full Health IT Interoperability
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has set its sights on 2024 as the target for achieving system-wide interoperability in the United States, according to ten-year plan published recently by the federal agency...
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ONC Tech Forum 2020—An Attendee's Perspective
I attended the ONC summer Tech Forum in August 2020 which brought together over 1,500 industry experts and Federal partners to discuss technical innovations in health information technology and their potential impacts on the healthcare ecosystem...One of the most interesting parts of the conversation was focused on the efforts made by Honk Kong to develop an open source digital health platform. Over the past 20+ years, Hong Kong has been pursuing a "one system, one record" policy primarily built on open source components. Though they had little money to invest at the beginning, for them open source is more about retaining control than about controlling cost (though the lower price tag certainly got them started down this path)...
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ONC Unveils 10-year Plan For Healthcare Interoperability
...The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT outlined a 10-year plan to develop an interoperable health IT ecosystem that can simultaneously improve population health, boost patient engagement and lower costs...
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ONC Unveils Blue Button Campaign, Toolkit During Health IT Week
On Monday, National Coordinator for Health IT Karen DeSalvo kicked off National Health IT Week by announcing an upcoming Blue Button campaign that will focus on consumers' access to their personal health data, FierceHealthIT reports...
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ONC Unveils New Certification Mark
As we reach the "tipping point" of electronic health record adoption, the Office of the National Coordinator has issued a mark for EHRs and other health IT products, meant to serve as visual proof that they can offer functionality, interoperability and security. Read More »
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ONC Wants Help Exploring FHIR-based Servers and Their Vulnerabilities
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT is capitalizing on National Cybersecurity Awareness Month to explore how to build secure, interoperable servers for sharing electronic health information, and it wants some help from the public. ONC officials have launched the Secure API Server Showdown Challenge to industry stakeholders to build Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, or FHIR, servers that are deemed secure under current industry standards and then see if they can be hacked...
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ONC's 3rd Interoperability Forum: Not Much to Report
On August 21 and 22, 2019 the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) held its third Interoperability Forum in Washington, DC. More than 600 individuals participated in person with many others viewing the general sessions via webinar. The conference began and ended with half-day plenary sessions while providing five tracks with smaller sessions in between. I attended the Health Information Exchange (HIE)/Community-based Information Exchange (CIE) breakout session on both days. The plenaries...focused on the current state and the future state of interoperability.
ONC's 5 Goals For The Federal Health IT Strategic Plan
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT on Wednesday shared more detail about its vision for the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020 it laid down last week...
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ONC's Efforts to Advance Worldwide Digital Health - The Global Digital Health Partnership White Papers
As the world responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to see how digital health plays a vital role in care delivery. ONC recognizes the importance of advancing digital health at domestic and global levels. As discussed in a previous blog post, part of ONC's global engagement includes representing the United States in the Global Digital Health Partnership (GDHP). The GDHP currently runs five work streams: Interoperability, Clinical and Consumer Engagement, Cyber Security, Evidence and Evaluation, and Policy Environments.
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ONC-Nurtured Population Health Tool Gains Traction
An open source software program created with the help of the HHS Office of the National Coordinator is now federally certified and ready to be used as a population health tool. First developed in 2010, the program, called popHealth, imports data, then calculates, displays, and exports it as electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs), using Cypress, the same open source engine the ONC uses to certify eCQM functionality in EHRS.
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