The Linux is announcing the Hyperledger Project has filled key leadership positions and is welcoming new members. The Hyperledger Project is a collaborative effort to establish, build and sustain an open, distributed ledger platform that will satisfy a variety of use cases across multiple industries. The results of the Board of Directors and Technical Steering Committee elections for the Hyperledger Project include the following:
open technology
See the following -
A Crowd-Sourced Public Transportation Map for Managua
There is no map for the 42 bus lines in Metropolitan Managua, capital of Nicaragua, where 80% of the 2 million inhabitants that are dependent on buses to commute to work or school. But engaged citizens used Free Technology and the power of collaboration to create the first digital public transportation map. Now they seek support to print it. The public transportation network has grown over the years in Managua, capital of one of the poorest countries on the American continent...
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A New Era for our Military Health System
PwC’s proposed solution, called the Defense Operational Readiness Health System (DORHS), seeks to bring innovations from the commercial marketplace to the military health system by using technology that is seamless, proven and reliable. With team members DSS, Inc., Medsphere Systems Corporation, MedicaSoft and General Dynamics Information Technology, PwC’s goal is to enable every healthcare professional to provide the finest medical care possible to members of the military...
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CMS Inclusion of API’s for Stage 3 Meaningful Use Rule is the Right Decision
One of these rules, the decoupling of EHR certification and meaningful use brings some hope to those looking to build upon established EHRs and other health databases. Prior to this, there has been a very tightly held belief that EHR systems would contain the answers needed to fulfill all governmental regulations, something that has not been shown to be the case. EHR’s are becoming very important tools for healthcare delivery, yet their regimented, and for the most part proprietary data storage models, do not allow for easy customization to meet the needs of our patients and the various healthcare professionals dependent upon them for day-to-day management of patients.
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How Helsinki Became The Most Successful Open-Data City In The World
...Helsinki Region Infoshare publishes all of its data in formats that make it easy for software developers, researchers, journalists and others to analyze, combine or turn into web-based or mobile applications that citizens may find useful. In four years of operation, the project has produced more than 1,000 "machine-readable" data sources such as a map of traffic noise levels, real-time locations of snow plows, and a database of corporate taxes...
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How Open Source And Openstack Are Commoditizing – And Transforming – The Cloud
...Similar to how Linux rewrote the rules for software, open source technology is making the path to the cloud more available to enterprises. It’s helping to eliminate the need for specialized software, and offering a standardized platform through which businesses can build open, public, and even hybrid, clouds...
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Hyperledger Project Continues Expansion of Open Source Blockchain Effort for the Enterprise
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Interview with Andrej Verity on the Humanitarian.ID Crisis App
One of the most exciting parts of working in tech is seeing firsthand how it empowers people to solve previously indomitable problems. But the best solutions don’t just materialize on their own — they must be driven forward, often against major odds, by passionate individuals and organizations dedicated to making them a reality. Over the past year, we’ve had the honor of working with Andrej Verity of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), who is just such a person. We sat down to talk to him about Humanitarian.ID, the contact management application that transforms how responders coordinate during humanitarian disasters.
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Jono Bacon Interview-From Open Source Community Management to the XPRIZE
I met up with Jono Bacon at LinuxCon Europe on October 16 this year where he gave a keynote and presented a full day workshop on community management...Read more on community management in open source and at-large in this interview with Jono Bacon.
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Mozilla's Science Lab Is a Hub for the Open Research Community
Since the launch last June of Mozilla Science Lab, we’ve been working to unpack what science on the web and like the web means, and what Mozilla can do to support it. The Science Lab was created to serve as a neutral broker and hub for the open science community—a means of bridging the gap between the early adopters and the many scientists who understand the value of open science, but who have not yet (for a number of reasons) mapped that understanding onto their day-to-day workflow...
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The Patient-Data Pipeline: The Missing Juncture of Flow and Connectivity in Healthcare IT Systems
Part of today’s complexity in healthcare stems from the way our healthcare IT systems have emerged. There are multiple entry points for patients into the healthcare system, from a relationship with a primary care physician to the sporadic, disconnected and random interaction with emergency departments, urgent care and wellness clinics. Based on current technology and the overall nature of the beast, it is highly doubtful that a single point of entry into the healthcare delivery system will ever occur and is actually less important than the quality and cost of the care delivered. The key is the understanding of how patients’ data flows through healthcare IT systems and building an infrastructure that optimizes that flow of data and information.
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All Things Open 2016
Join the world’s top developers, technologists, and decision makers as we explore open source, open tech, and the open web in the enterprise. Two days of keynotes, talks, tutorials, workshops and networking opportunities in Raleigh and the Research Triangle area. In our never-ending quest to stay on top of a quickly changing open source landscape, we’re happy to announce a few new tracks will be featured at the conference this year. Each track is the result of attendee feedback after the 2015 conference, as well as our own research and daily communication. Although not exhaustive in any way, we feel these will be of great interest to attendees and should result in a higher quality and more diverse event.
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