However promising gamification in health care may be, it is the AR that may well hold the most promise for health care. Google was not wrong to pursue Google Glass, just premature. Pokémon Go may be signaling that we're now finally ready for AR, and that it will be consumers as well as professionals who can benefit from it. The potential uses in health care are virtually endless, but here are a few examples...Ever feel like your doctor spends too much time staring at your chart or a screen? Instead of looking there for information about you, how much better would it be if he/she was looking at you, with AR notations for key information about you?...
Pokémon Go
See the following -
Could Pokémon Go Help Fix Healthcare and Lead to Usable EHRs?
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Fidgeting May (or May Not) Be Good For You
I swore I wasn't going to write about fidget spinners. Just a toy, just be the latest fad -- the Rubik's cube of this generation, or perhaps the Pokémon Go of this year -- with no broader implications, for health care or anything else. Yet here I am, writing about them after all. If you know any children, you already know what a fidget spinner is. You may even have one yourself. They seem to be everywhere lately, even in the hands of President Trump's youngest son as he exited Marine One recently. What that says about us is not quite clear...
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Go and Play: Gaming and the NHS
Pokemon Go has given a tantalising glimpse of mass gamification’s potential to improve health outcomes. But getting effective “health” games into the hands of patients and clinicians is no easy task. Ben Heather reports from last month’s Games for Health conference in Coventry...
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Google Cloud Shut Down This Guy's Business — But Now He's a Fan for Life
On Monday, Fred Trotter, CEO of a healthcare startup called DocGraph, came into work only to discover that his cloud computing provider, Google, had effectively shut down his company, sending him and his team into a panic. DocGraph, through its sister company, CareSet, sells Medicare data and analysis to help improve patient care and track the effectiveness of drugs. It not only stores its data with Google, but also relies on Google's machine learning service, Tensorflow, to help it with the analysis...
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How Pokémon GO Is Reinventing Healthcare Consumerism
Have you ever sat through a strategic planning meeting? I have, and flies are dropping out of the air, dead from boredom. It is rare that I find a firm that actually has a defined strategy. What they usually have is a budget, and they leave no number unturned in their ability to explain why they cannot afford to do something that even hints of being innovative. There are literally hundreds of health apps you can download that purport to have something to do with your health. Most of them measure something: what you ate, what you did...
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Pokémon Go Might Be the Fastest-Growing Unintentional Health App
It’s a fast-growing fitness app that wasn’t intended to be one. Crippling servers, blowing up social media and getting kids and Millennials moving, Pokémon Go has been an instant hit since it launched last week. Pokémon Go, which uses augmented reality to allow users to capture monsters in real life, has an estimated 7.5 million downloads in its one-week life -- putting it on track to outpace Twitter's daily active user count. There is a surge of Google searches for all things Pokémon. It’s bigger than Tinder. And it isn’t even worldwide yet...
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Top 3 blockchain-based healthcare companies to watch in 2017
Game theory is the science of strategy. A branch of mathematics and economics that explores strategic situations across multiple stakeholders with different goals, whose actions can affect one another. Pioneering companies are changing the game with blockchain technologies. The new game of consumer interactions redefines transparency, immutability and security across industries. Much progress has been made with game theory. John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern’s 1944 book Game Theory and Economic Behavior outlined classic game theory...
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