You may have missed or not understood the implications of this press release. Here's a guest post from Micky Tripathi, the CEO of the Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative that explains everything you need to know: "This summary provides some additional information on the recently announced interoperability agreement between CommonWell and The Sequoia Project (Carequality). For full disclosure, I am on the Board of Directors of The Sequoia Project, a contractor to CommonWell, and participated in the discussions leading to the agreement. The description below does not necessarily reflect the views of either of these organizations or any of the named vendors...
See the following -
Black Book Releases Research on "The Interoperability Tangle"...HIE Replacements, Middleware and FHIR
2,012 provider HIE users and 2,300 payer HIE users, as well as 4,100 prospective HIE users of all user types were polled to understand the importance of interoperability in their strategic planning initiatives, as well as their ongoing and new challenges in areas such as connectivity and data exchange. Between Q3 2015 and Q1 2016, the survey recorded growing HIE user frustration over the lack of standardization and readiness of unprepared providers and payers...“Every stakeholder in the healthcare delivery process cannot establish the infrastructure needed to support interoperability, as evidenced by 83% of physician practices responding and 40% of hospitals, that currently admit they are still in the planning and catch up stages of sending and sharing secure, relevant data, “ said Doug Brown, Managing Partner of Black Book.
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Cerner, McKesson, Allscripts, Athenahealth, Greenway And RelayHealth Announce Ground Breaking Alliance To Enable Integrated Health Care
Top health care information technology (HIT) companies Cerner, McKesson, Allscripts, athenahealth, Greenway Medical Technologies® and RelayHealth announced today the launch of the CommonWell Health Alliance™, planned to be an independent not-for-profit organization that will support universal, trusted access to health care data through seamless interoperability. Read More »
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CFOs Stress Need for Next Generation RCM Tools but Hefty MU Investments Deplete Many Hospital’s Cash Reserves, Black Book Survey Reports
Seventy-nine percent of hospital CFOs running outdated financial systems say they nervously face the coming year without evolved Revenue Cycle tools. Continued meaningful use expenses for EHR, HIE, analytics, portals and mobile apps are hitting hospitals hard as changes in payment models based on patient compliance, pricing transparency, and population health demand even more capital...
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CommonWell Gives Patients Access to Records
CommonWell Health Alliance has launched a new program that is expected to give patients the capability of more easily accessing their health records. The initiative will begin with six electronic health record vendors: Aprima Medical Software, athenahealth, Cerner, Evident, Modernizing Medicine and RelayHealth. Two standalone patient portal vendors, Integrated Data Services and MediPortal, will offer an app enabling patients to access their records by year-end, says Jitin Asnaani...
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CommonWell Health Alliance Expands Interoperability Services, Signs Up New EHR Vendors
CommonWell Health Alliance is a non-profit health IT trade association launched a year ago last March at HIMSS13. The primary goal of the vendor-driven Alliance is to advance interoperability through an open membership program to all organizations...
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CommonWell Wants To 'Open This Up'
In the year and 10 days since it was launched in New Orleans, the vendors of the CommonWell Health Alliance have been setting up the infrastructure for their vision of cross-competitive data liquidity. Now it's time to see what that interoperability can accomplish for the patient.
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CommonWell: Healthcare Interoperability Or Bust
Peter Bernhardt of CommonWell Health Alliance, a group of clinical and health IT organizations, talks about its goal of better data exchange and application integration...
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Consumer Guide Promotes Personal Health Records
The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) has issued a guide to help consumers understand how they can access their medical records and what they can do with them. Read More »
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Halamka on the Most Important Interoperability Story of 2016
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HIMSS13: A Fork in the Road - How Patients & Payment Are Forcing 'Open' Health IT
This year feels like a fork in the road at HIMSS13, with disruptive forces of patients, digital health, mobility and open standards driving innovation and renewed energy at the annual conference...Without transparency (in health IT and health finance) and data liquidity, bending the cost curve will continue to elude the U.S. health system. At the recently concluded annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society conference in New Orleans, 34,696 got to experience a yin and yang vibe that embodies the disruption that the health care IT industry is undergoing. That is, the full-on face-off between developers of health IT that have been long-closed to data liquidity and those vendors innovating on open standards and cloud-based platforms. Read More »
HIMSS16: Cloudera Demos Open Source Precision Medicine and Healthcare Enterprise Data Hub
As the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2016 theme implies -- “transforming health through IT” -- healthcare organizations are increasingly focused on taking advantage of big data to personalize the patient experience and improve clinical outcomes. Cloudera’s commitment to this effort was exemplified this morning, when the company annunced its contributions to President Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI). By implementing Cloudera Enterprise, healthcare organizations are better equipped to deliver precision medicine with a modern data platform that facilitates information sharing across silos while remaining HIPAA-compliant...
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ONC Chief Urges Vendors To Go For Blue Button ASAP
Farzad Mostashari, MD, the national health IT coordinator, has challenged vendors to make it easy for consumers by early 2013 to view, download and transmit to another party their health information in the form of a Blue Button feature. Read More »
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