As I’ve aged and matured my approach to life, career, and family, I’ve evolved my rubric for organizing each day. Here’s what I’ve used for 2016: Avoid commuting delays as much as possible - leave no later than 6:00am in the morning and return either before 3pm or after 7pm. I generally go in early, return early, care for animals, then work in the evening. I work in Boston Tuesday/Thursday, in our suburban Metrowest office Monday/Wednesday and wherever the most urgent projects are happening on Friday...
See the following -
Google To Pay For Open-Source Code Security Fixes
Awards program aims to improve critical open-source tools widely used across the Internet Read More »
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Google Transparency Report Highlights Just How Much We Don't Know About National Security Letters
In an unprecedented win for transparency, yesterday Google began publishing generalized information about the number of National Security Letters that the company received in the past year as well as the total number of user accounts affected by those requests. Read More »
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Google, IBM, and Lyft Launch Open Source Project Istio
Google, IBM, and Lyft on Wednesday announced the first public release of Istio, an open source service that gives developers a vendor-neutral way to connect, secure, manage and monitor networks of different microservices on cloud platforms. According to the companies, Istio was created to address the inherent challenges that come with integrating application-based microservices in distributed systems, namely compliance and security...
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Google, IBM, and Lyft Launch Open Source Project Istio
Google, IBM, and Lyft on Wednesday announced the first public release of Istio, an open source service that gives developers a vendor-neutral way to connect, secure, manage and monitor networks of different microservices on cloud platforms. According to the companies, Istio was created to address the inherent challenges that come with integrating application-based microservices in distributed systems, namely compliance and security...
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Government Moves Toward Cloud Computing 'Perfect Storm'
As FedRAMP initiative ramps up, cloud service providers can look forward to clearer guidance from federal clients and a robust market as administration tech chiefs press on toward a 'Perfect Storm' in cloud computing.
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GSA Seeks Governmentwide Mobile Device Management Contracts
The General Services Administration is seeking governmentwide contracts with vendors who can ensure the security of federal employees’ smartphones and tablets and the applications that run on them, solicitation documents show. Read More »
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Hack Strikes Feds In Community
Federal website managers registered on or Drupal Groups, the developer and community sites for the eponymous open source content management system, might have had their accounts compromised. Read More »
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Hacker Calls Health Security "Wild West'
As head of the security consulting firm Secure Ideas, [Kevin Johnson's] job involves probing into organizations' networks and applications to identify vulnerabilities. And what he sees in healthcare terrifies him...
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Hacker Uses an Android To Remotely Attack And Hijack An Airplane
The Hack in the Box (#HITB2013AMS) security conference in Amsterdam has a very interesting lineup of talks [pdf]. One that jumped out was the Aircraft Hacking: Practical Aero Series presented by Hugo Teso, a security consultant at n.runs in Germany... Read More »
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Hackers Are Coming for Your Healthcare Records -- Here’s Why
Data stolen from a bank quickly becomes useless once the breach is discovered and passcodes are changed. But data from the healthcare industry, which includes both personal identities and medical histories, can live a lifetime. Cyberattacks will cost hospitals more than $305 billion over the next five years and one in 13 patients will have their data compromised by a hack, according to industry consultancy Accenture. And a study by the Brookings Institution predicts that one in four data breaches this year will hit the healthcare industry...
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Hackers Execute Sophisticated Strike On Government Cybersecurity Contractor Bit9
Unprotected computers at a cybersecurity contractor that services the Defense Information Systems Agency and many other federal agencies were compromised in a way that enabled the company's product to run viruses on customer networks. Read More »
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Halamka Discusses His Guiding Principles
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Halamka Outlines the Pillars of Beth Israel's IT Strategic Plan
Communicating the IT strategic plan is one of the primary responsibilities of a CIO. Most importantly, the IT strategic plan should be seen as an enterprise wide activity and not just an IT centric exercise. IT should be an enabler for the strategy of the business and every IT tactic should tie back to a high priority of the business. In 2016, the BIDMC IT strategic plan has five pillars that align with quality, safety and efficiency imperatives (instead of Meaningful Use, ICD10, and the Affordable Care Act as was the case 2013-2015). The pillars are:
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Has Open Source Gone Mainstream?
Open source has officially made it. While open source advocates may have faced an uphill battle to convince their colleagues in the past, the technology has now become a legitimate component of the mainstream technological scene. That's according to GitHub's senior director of infrastructure engineering Sam Lambert, who told IT Pro that open source software is no longer the niche field it once was...
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Health Care Data as a Public Utility: How Do We Get There?
Despite the technological integration seen in banking and other industries, health care data has remained scattered and inaccessible. EHRs remain fragmented among 861 distinct ambulatory vendors and 277 inpatient vendors as of 2013.Similarly, insurance claims are stored in the databases of insurers, and information about public health is often kept in databases belonging to various governmental agencies. These silos wouldn’t necessarily be a problem, except for the lack of interoperability that has long plagued the health care industry. For this reason, many are reconsidering if health care data is a public good, provided to all members of the public without profit...
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