
See the following -

Good Things Can Come from Open Source Projects that Fail

Without realizing it, I joined the open source movement in 1999 during the midst of the Kosovo refugee crisis. I was part of a team helping route aid supplies to local humanitarian organizations running transit camps across Albania. These are the camps that refugees often arrived at first before being moved to larger, more formal camps. We found that refugees in the transit camps were not being registered or provided with any way of alerting family members of their whereabouts...

Rwanda: Smartphones Still Not Fully Exploited in Rwanda

Eric Bright | AllAfrica | April 30, 2012

Siri has limitations [in Rwanda]...With increased penetration of smartphones, thanks to the fact that relatively cheap models are now becoming available, it is a pity and a nuisance that some of these quite useful apps are not available. And it can be pretty basic, too. iPhone owners, for example, will know the frustration that when one of their contacts sends them an SMS, what appears on the screen will be the number of that person, not his name - what is known as "ID mismatch."

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Why Voice Is The Next Big Internet Wave

Martin Geddes | GIGAOM | April 5, 2014

At first glance, few technologies feel as unsexy as voice. From a user’s perspective, little has changed since the days of Alexander Graham Bell. Most see voice as a mature technology that simply connects people in real-time across a distance.

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