sleep cycle
See the following -
9 Ways For Programmers To Sleep Better
Adrian Bridgwater | | March 13, 2014
Can anyone code proficiently or architect a software masterpiece without enough sleep? Answer: no, of course not. This Friday March 14 is the 7th Annual World Sleep Day...... this is where members of the World Association of Sleep Medicine come together and educate the world on the importance of getting enough sleep.
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Daylight Saving Time Is America's Greatest Shame
Alexander Abad-Santos | Atlantic Wire | November 1, 2013
Daylight Saving Time is the greatest continuing fraud ever perpetuated on American people. And this weekend, the effects of this cruel monster will rear its ugly head again. On Sunday morning, Americans across the country will have to set their clocks back one hour, and next week, the sun will begin its ambling lurch to eventually setting at 4:30 in the afternoon. Read More »
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