There's an interesting verbal battle going on between two prominent tech venture capitalists over the future of AI in health care. In an interview in Vox, Marc Andreessen asserted that Vinod Khosla "has written all these stories about how doctors are going to go away...And I think he is completely wrong." Mr. Khosla was quick to respond via Twitter: "Maybe @pmarca [Mr. Andreessen] should read what I think before assuming what I said about doctors going away." He included a link to his detailed "speculations and musings" on the topic. It turns out that Mr. Khosla believes that AI will take away 80% of physicians' work, but not necessarily 80% of their jobs, leaving them more time to focus on the "human aspects of medical practice such as empathy and ethical choices"...
See the following -
When Artificial Intelligence Robots Start Replacing Physicians, Will We Notice -- Or Care?
When mHealth And Telehealth Become 'Just Healthcare'
mHealth and telehealth: Two popular terms in the healthcare lexicon these days. And two whose days are numbered. Read More »
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While Unions Whine About Pensions and Change, the USA Shows How Modern Healthcare Should Be Done [UK]
The expert health and technology think tank 2020health has analysed the experience of the VHA and today publishes its report on Telehealth: What can the NHS learn from experience at the US Veterans Health Administration? to coincide with this government's launch in Parliament at lunchtime of it's own '3 million lives' Telehealth strategy.
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Why Data Connectivity To Traditional IT Systems And EHRs Should Be A Priority In Your Next-Generation Medical Device Designs
...Another major area that’s lacking in medical devices, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) Top Health Industry Issues of 2014 report, is that of electronic health records (EHRs), health IT, and patient data connectivity. According to PwC, only about 18% of device companies integrate data into clinical workflows and EHRs — this means there’s a very nice opportunity for upstarts and savvy incumbents...
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Why Is Healthcare IT Under Fire?
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT has lost several key figures in recent months. An economic report suggests that meaningful use may have been a waste of money. Why is healthcare IT under such duress?...
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Why Making the Case for Interoperability Standards Is Needed
It's buzzy. It's the fly in the ointment for many and vendors swear it's seriously. just. about. to. gain. traction. Interoperability. Thinking about the topic is daunting itself but for those on the frontlines of care delivery and for patients, its increasingly becoming necessary as the healthcare industry enters into a more networked era. When we last checked in on interoperability, the industry was touting the massive adoption of EHRs...
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Why The Private Sector Lags VA In Telehealth
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has long been ahead of the private sector in health IT. Its VistA electronic health record (EHR) system, for example, was in use throughout the VA's hospitals and ambulatory clinics long before non-VA providers began to adopt EHRs en masse in the past few years. And as recent VA figures show, the department has also left the private sector in the dust in the area of telehealth. Read More »
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Why VA Health Care Is Different
Is VA health care really “all that different” from what veterans would find in the private sector? As someone who spent more than 25 years managing private sector health care organizations and recently joined VA as its under secretary for health, I’ve had the unique opportunity to compare the health care systems. Over the past several months, I’ve met with veterans and their families, veterans service organizations, VA clinicians, facility staff, and veteran employees at all levels...
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Worldwide Health IT Learning
These memories came back to me this week after reading a report from 2020 Researchers for the physician-led, not-for-profit British think tank concluded that the British National Health Service could learn a thing or two about operating a telehealth service for British patients by studying the telehealth system developed by the VA to care for more than 50,000 chronically ill American veterans.
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