However promising gamification in health care may be, it is the AR that may well hold the most promise for health care. Google was not wrong to pursue Google Glass, just premature. Pokémon Go may be signaling that we're now finally ready for AR, and that it will be consumers as well as professionals who can benefit from it. The potential uses in health care are virtually endless, but here are a few examples...Ever feel like your doctor spends too much time staring at your chart or a screen? Instead of looking there for information about you, how much better would it be if he/she was looking at you, with AR notations for key information about you?...
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Build Your Own Internet With Mobile Mesh Networking
Software can let smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, and other hardware link up without centralized Internet service. Read More »
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Challenges to Expect When Open Sourcing your SaaS Business
In my previous article, I walked through scenarios to help you determine whether to open source your SaaS solution, and discussed the cost-benefit analysis that goes along with this decision. From an open source point of view, there's no point in just chucking code over the wall, slapping on an open source license, and calling it a day. You want to create an inviting community where people want to collaborate and spend time-even socialize!-with you. Chucking code over the wall accomplishes nothing, besides giving others insight into how you do things. Although that may be interesting and beneficial for them, you don't get much benefit unless you create the pathways of collaboration and communication that unlock a thriving community. Thus, you have an inherent interest in doing this The Right Way™.
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Choosing An Open-Source CMS, Part 1: Why We Use Drupal
Of the open-source content management systems (CMSs) available today, WordPress, Joomla and Drupal are, according to Web technology tracker W3Techs, by far the most popular. But how do companies choose which to use?
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Cloud-Based EHRs With Integrated Billing Solutions May Save Thousands Of Independent Physicians From Acquisition, Reveals Black Book RCM Study
Nearly ten percent of physician practices are acquiescing to takeover offers from hospitals and larger medical groups, while more autonomous doctors confront the fallout from owning outmoded billing systems and unworkable electronic health records. However, Black Book surveys detect a defiant tipping point from the majority of independent physicians recently shifting to replacement EHRs... Read More »
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Could Pokémon Go Help Fix Healthcare and Lead to Usable EHRs?
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CPOE: Meaningful Use’s Primary Obstacle Is VistA’s Greatest Strength
A study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) identifies the implementation and adoption of Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) functionality as the number one barrier for hospitals working toward Meaningful Use Stage 1. Entitled “Overcoming challenges to achieving meaningful use: Insights from hospitals that successfully received Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services payments in 2011,” the study findings are significant because the say a great deal about the way different health IT platforms have been developed.
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Do We Need More or Less Healthcare IT Regulation and Legislation?
Just as I clarified last week in my post about Certification, the answer to the question “do we need more or less healthcare IT regulation and legislation” is that we need the right amount of the right regulations/legislation. Sometimes when clinicians prescribe medication, although it does therapeutic good, it creates side effects which need to be addressed by changing a dose or by adding additional medications. Such is the case with HITECH. It was generally good medicine, but now that we’ve seen the side effects on workflow, clinician burden, and efficiency, there needs to be a dose adjustment...
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Docs Blame EHRs For Lost Productivity
Nearly 60 percent of ambulatory providers surveyed for a new IDC Health Insights report say they're unsatisfied with their electronic health records, citing frustrations with usability and workflow. Read More »
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Doctors Demand Extreme EHR Makeover ... Right Now
Just about every week or so there’s a new report chronicling doctors’ frustrations with electronic health records. Drill down a bit and the source of discontent becomes clear: poor usability, clunky interfaces, ineffective search and too many clicks. So what would actually make doctors like their EHR? “They need a tremendous makeover with lots of clinical input to make it easy to do not only the right thing, but the things you do all the time,” said Robert Wachter, MD, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.
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Doctors Dissatisfied With Current EHRs But Hopeful For Future
Physicians are dissatisfied with the current state of EHR technology but are confident that future improvements will benefit both patients and their own professional satisfaction down the road, according to a new research published by the RAND Corporation. Read More »
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Does The iPad Actually Facilitate Better Patient Care?
Since Apple unveiled the iPad, the device has been lauded for its promise to enhance the way doctors deliver and patients engage with healthcare. Yet the results of a recent survey may be reason enough for Apple iPad boosters to seek treatment themselves. Read More »
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EHR Optimization: Necessary Because EHRS Are Never “Done”
Why, if over 95 percent of hospitals have implemented EHRs, are so many planning to invest in improvements or replacements this year? A new Healthcare IT News survey of hospital executives showed that 24 percent are conducting a major EHR system upgrade, and 21 percent are replacing their EHR at one or more sites. KPMG’s survey of CHIME members last month found that at least 38 percent of CIOs are investing in EHR optimization projects this year; in fact, they plan to spend more on EHR optimization than any other area of HIT. These numbers are huge when you consider that most hospital EHRs are newer versions implemented to meet MU attestation requirements...
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EHR Roulette: Gambling On Medicine's Future
As medical practices look to replace clunky ambulatory electronic health records systems, picking a winner can seem like risky business. Read More »
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EHR Transition Causes Its Own Headaches
Technology contracts often favor the vendor. Medical practices should negotiate the most agreeable terms possible, especially regarding termination, to make for a clean break. Read More »
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EHR Usability, Satisfaction Are Falling Among Physicians
Black Book Rankings may have been spot on when they called 2013 the Year of EHR Replacement, because a sharply increasing number of providers are very unhappy with their electronic health record systems and aren’t shy about saying it. [...] Read More »
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