Only one-third of agencies pass the Federal Open Technology Report Card

Savio Rodriguez | InfoWorld | February 4, 2011

Open Source for America (OSFA) recently published a report card on open technology and open government across several U.S. federal government departments and agencies. The results: One-third of agencies received a passing grade. OSFA, a coalition launched in July 2009 to encourage U.S. federal government support of and participation in open source projects and technologies, worked with government departments and agencies to develop the methodology and rate each group.

(According to OSFA, 2010 marked the first year federal government agencies were operating under the Directive and Open Government Plans.)

The 2010 Federal Open Technology Report Card measures 15 federal departments and agencies on their progress against goals supported by the open government directive. The report card measures use of open source technologies, open formats, and technology tools for citizen engagement.