Sensored Meetup #10 At A Glance: Data, Open Source And Hardware Startup Strategy

Mathilde Berchon | MakingSociety | April 9, 2013

I can’t believe last night was already the 10th edition of the Sensored Meetup. I went to the first one more than a year ago, which was a really great gathering of sensor experts. It’s this kind of meetup where you end up learning tons of things by just being around, and where everyone is working on super ambitious and high-level products.

This edition was focused on data. Here is what have been said:

Most sensors companies are focusing primarily on the hardware part of their business. That’s what takes the biggest amount of resources, money and time. But for the customer, the value of a sensing product comes also massively from the use of the data. As users, we want to make sense of the data we collect. The way our data are visualized and easy to manipulate is a priority.