Ray Kurzweil: This is your future
...technologies to reprogram the "software" that underlie human biology are already a thousand times more powerful than they were when the genome project was completed in 2003...<--break->
Up until recently, health and medicine was basically a hit or miss affair. We would discover interventions such as drugs that had benefits, but also many side effects. Until recently, we did not have the means to actually design interventions on computers.
...We now have the information code of the genome and are making exponential gains in modeling and simulating the information processes they give rise to...
...Health and medicine is now an information technology and is therefore subject to what I call the "law of accelerating returns," which is a doubling of capability (for the same cost) about each year that applies to any information technology.
As a result, technologies to reprogram the "software" that underlie human biology are already a thousand times more powerful than they were when the genome project was completed in 2003...
You might want to also read some of the collected news items, blogs, and studies posted on OHNews about Health IT and Healthcare in 2030 and beyond. See http://www.openhealthnews.com/search/node/2030 - Peter Groen, Senior Editor, OHNews
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