DIY Health to the Rescue
Kim BellardExperts often compare how slowly the health care system is "reforming" to how hard it is to turn a battleship. They're so big that they can't turn on a dime (much less on $3 trillion!), and there is as much risk in trying to oversteer as in not turning at all. Things are changing, we're assured, but it will take time to get on the desired new course.
Maybe. But maybe it is time to jump off the obsolete battleship onto something more nimble.
Some call it Do-It-Yourself Health (there are both .org and .com sites devoted to the topic, among others). PwC declared it to be one of the top ten trends of 2015. Dave Chase believes that "DIY health reform is now leading the way for the highest performing reform" -- not Medicare, health insurers, not even employers.
Americans spent some $34b on "alternative and complimentary" medicine way back in 2009, even without firm proof that they work, so imagine what we might be willing to pay for "traditional" care that was more convenient, more self-directed, and faster.
In case anyone still needs confirmation about how slowly our health care system is edging towards reform on its own, some cases-in-point:
- A new study has updated the famous IOM 1999 estimate of 100,000 annual deaths due to avoidable medical errors, believing that the number is more like 250,000 -- making medical errors the third leading cause of death in the U.S.
- The Senate Finance Committee has issued a report warning that physician with ownership interests in medical device distributors are -- what a surprise! -- much more likely to perform surgery using those devices, . This is coming from a bunch of Republicans, mind you, so the problem must be bad.
- The U.S. has spent some $35b to move providers to EHRs, but as Vice President Joe Biden just said, "we didn’t realize five [EHR] companies would create their own silos. What the heck are we doing?"
- The move to value-based purchasing is supposed to help combat our perverse incentives, but early indicators are not so positive. Two new studies looked at Medicare's Hospital VBP program, and found that (a) it ended up rewarding not just low spending but also low quality hospitals, and (b) it doesn't seem to actually have any positive impact on patient mortality.
- You can now use your smartphone to monitor lung function in lieu of going to a doctor's office to use a spirometer.
- You may soon be able to use your smartphone to monitor heart palpitations instead of using existing event monitors.
- You can use your smartphone to monitor your blood pressure.
DIY Health to the Rescue was authored by Kim Bellard and first published in his blog, From a Different Perspective.... It is reprinted by Open Health News with permission from the author. The original post can be found here. |
- Tags:
- artificial pancreas device
- Dave Chase
- diabetes management
- DIY Health
- Do-It-Yourself Health
- electronic health records (EHRs)
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Joe Biden
- Kim Bellard
- medical device makers
- Medicare
- Medicare's Hospital VBP program
- patient mortality
- personal sound amplification products (PSAPs)
- Senate Finance Committee
- Walgreens
- Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
- Walmart
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