Cerner Millenium
See the following -
Cerner Enhances Critical Healthcare Application Hosting Services With Red Hat
Red Hat, announced that Cerner Corporation, a global health care information technology company, has successfully leveraged Red Hat Enterprise Linux to enhance the stability and performance of its world-class application hosting services. Combined with a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) and improved scalability, Red Hat Enterprise Linux has helped Cerner meet the healthcare industry's growing demand for IT solutions and services...
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Cernering the Market
After years of speculation and rumors, in a move that surprised absolutely no one, Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin announced that the Department of Veterans Affairs is moving to Cerner Millenium to replace its home-grown VistA electronic health record. On the surface this makes sense, because of DoD’s move to Cerner in 2015 and an overarching VA desire to move from custom software to COTS software. However, SecVA’s decision is only the beginning of an extremely long path, as DHA is finding with its MHS GENESIS project. Moreover, VA has a broader scope than DHA. Unlike DHA, whose primary goal is to provide a medically ready fighting force, VA handles a slew of additional tasks, including...
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Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust in UK Pick IMS Maxims EHR
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has picked IMS Maxims as preferred bidder to supply its electronic patient record system. The project could become the first implementation of an open source EPR in an acute NHS trust as IMS Maxims has committed to making its suite of products available on an open source basis.
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