
See the following -

How The Iraq War Crippled U.S. Military Power

Nathan Freier | Defense One | May 1, 2014

...The decline of American military influence actually began with 9/11 and the reflexive response to a growing threat the U.S. government never completely understood. It was exacerbated by the impetuous decision to go to war against Iraq in March 2003....

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How The NSA Undermines Cybersecurity

Brendan Sasso | | April 30, 2014

...Officials have warned for years that a sophisticated cyberattack could cripple critical infrastructure or allow thieves to make off with the financial information of millions of Americans. President Obama pushed Congress to enact cybersecurity legislation, and when it didn’t, he issued his own executive order in 2013...

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Improving Beijing’s Urban Transportation with Crowdsourced Mapping

Anahi Ayala Iacucci | Ushahidi | June 5, 2012

In February 2011, Ushahidi’s Patrick Meier launched a novel project with the World Bank in Beijing. The aim of the project was to see how the Ushahidi platform could be used by the municipal authorities in the city to address traffic and urban transport problems in the city.

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Internationalization and Localization of Open Source Clinical Research Tools

Clinovo, the company that created ClinCapture, an open-source Electronic Data Capture (EDC) platform for clients in the pharma and life sciences space, recently localized ClinCapture to Russian for Synergy Research Group (SRG). SRG, the fastest growing Clinical Research Organization (CRO) in Russia and Eastern Europe, is the latest company to join Clinovo's CRO partners group. I thought I would share some of Clinovo's best practices for language localization.

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Is The Pharmaceutical Industry Doing Enough To Increase Access To Essential Medicines?

Charles Moore | Bio News Texas | April 8, 2014

A report in The Lancet Global Health journal, citing the World Health Organization’s World Medicines Situation, notes that despite progress in many countries, about a third of the world’s population still has no regular access to essential medicines, and says responsibility to resolve this problem lies with many, including the pharmaceutical industry.

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It's 2019. Smartphones are Out...On to the Next Big Thing...

It's amusing to watch old movies where plot points often involved someone's inability to talk to the person they needed, in the pre-mobile phone era. We take our smartphone's omnipresence and virtual omnipotence as a given in our daily lives and treat even its temporary loss as a major inconvenience. So why are people already wondering if the smartphone era is almost over? Speculation on this is not new (voice has been touted as the next big platform for years), but intensified after Apple announced reduced revenue expectations earlier this year -- the first time in 16 years. It specifically cited slower iPhone sales in China and, even more jarring, said it would no longer break out unit sales of iPhones...

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Just How Likely Is Another World War?

Graham Allison | The Atlantic | July 30, 2014

...Historical analogies like 1914 can be fertile sources of insights about contemporary challenges. One danger, however, is that people can find an analogy so compelling that they conclude that current conditions are “just like” 1914...

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L.A. County Patient Was Infected with Drug-Resistant E. coli

Soumya Karlamangla | Los Angeles Times | January 31, 2017

Scientists were alarmed last year when they found that a woman in Pennsylvania had been infected with bacteria that was resistant to colistin, an antibiotic that is considered the last line of defense against particularly nasty illnesses. It was a scary reminder that bacteria are increasingly able to survive antibiotics, making some infections extremely difficult or even impossible to treat. Now California is on a list of six states where patients have been infected with bacteria that contains a gene known as mcr-1, which makes it resistant to colistin...

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Lessons In Openness From Japan's "Business Reinvention"

In The Business Reinvention of Japan, Ulrike Schaede explores Japan's approach to economic development in the late 20th and early 21st century. Her thesis is that this approach-what she calls an "aggregate niche strategy"-offers important lessons for the West by balancing the pursuit of corporate profit with social stability, economic equality, and social responsibility and sustainability. It's also a case study in the power of open organization principles, which come to life in Schaede's account. I would argue that Japan's "aggregate niche strategy" was successful, in part, because of them. In this review, I'll explore Schaede's argument about Japan's economic development in order to demonstrate how open principles played a role in Japan's "reinvention." In this first part, I'll provide some historical, economic context necessary for understanding Schaede's argument. In the next part, I'll explore in more detail the implications of Japan's strategy and the role open principles clearly played in it.

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Linux Continues To Rule Supercomputers

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols | ZDNet | June 18, 2013

The June 2013 Top500 supercomputer list is in, and 476 of the top 500 fastest supercomputers in the world run Linux. Read More »

Made In China: Eric Pan And Open Source Hardware

Lyn Jeffery | Boing Boing | June 11, 2013

Maker culture is being remade in China. Along with pioneers like Bunnie Huang and David Li, of Shanghai hackerspace Xinchejian, Eric Pan and his open hardware facilitator, Seeed Studio are accelerating the global maker movement by helping people source, design, produce, and commercialize their maker projects. Read More »

Medicine and Public Health in Nuclear War Diplomacy and Response

Press Release | University of Georgia | September 7, 2017

The world is not prepared to deal with the devastating effects of a thermonuclear attack, according to Cham Dallas, professor of public health and director of the Institute for Disaster Management at the University of Georgia. Dallas said that the development of a hydrogen bomb by North Korea is a transformative event, especially from the point of view of the medical and public health response to a thermonuclear detonation...

Motorola Project Ara: The Future Of Smartphones Is Open Source Hardware

Simone Cicero | Open Electronics | October 30, 2013

[...] If the declared objective of Motorola (read Google) – that of truly democratizing the Smartphone (I would say the digital screens) industry and pushing it towards a landscape where it’s easier for new entrants to create products and compete – is accomplished we will face a completely different Consumer Electronics Hardware industry very soon. Read More »

N.S.A. Devises Radio Pathway Into Computers

David E. Sanger and Thom Shanker | New York Times | January 14, 2014

The National Security Agency has implanted software in nearly 100,000 computers around the world that allows the United States to conduct surveillance on those machines and can also create a digital highway for launching cyberattacks. Read More »

New Diseases And National Transparency: Who Is Measuring Up?

Maryn McKenna | Wired | May 2, 2013

[...] I opened my morning mail to find a note from a private list I subscribe to, published by a company that monitors hazards for businesses with expatriate employees. The note flagged new news from Saudi Arabia... Read More »