I’m in China this week, meeting with government, academia, and industry leaders in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, and Suzhou. The twelve hour time difference means that I can work a day in China, followed by a day in Boston. For the next 7 days, I’ll truly be living on both sides of the planet. I recently delivered this policy update about the key developments in healthcare IT policy and sentiment over the past 90 days. I’ve not written a specific summary of the recently released Quality Patient Program proposed rule which provides the detailed regulatory guidance for implementation of MACRA/MIPS, but here’s the excellent 26 page synopsis created by CMS which provides an overview of the 1058 page rule...
data exchange
See the following -
3 Ways DoD And VA Are Accelerating Patient Data Exchange Via iEHR
Whereas the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments are working toward a joint iEHR that would, come 2017, wrap all patient data into a single record accessible to clinicians in both departments, DoD Secretary Leon Panetta and VA’s Secretary Eric Shinseki pushed their staffs to accelerate data exchange and interoperability where they can now, rather than waiting. Read More »
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Black Book Releases Research on "The Interoperability Tangle"...HIE Replacements, Middleware and FHIR
2,012 provider HIE users and 2,300 payer HIE users, as well as 4,100 prospective HIE users of all user types were polled to understand the importance of interoperability in their strategic planning initiatives, as well as their ongoing and new challenges in areas such as connectivity and data exchange. Between Q3 2015 and Q1 2016, the survey recorded growing HIE user frustration over the lack of standardization and readiness of unprepared providers and payers...“Every stakeholder in the healthcare delivery process cannot establish the infrastructure needed to support interoperability, as evidenced by 83% of physician practices responding and 40% of hospitals, that currently admit they are still in the planning and catch up stages of sending and sharing secure, relevant data, “ said Doug Brown, Managing Partner of Black Book.
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Blockchain, APIs Take a Stab at the Healthcare Revenue Cycle
Capital One is hoping to bring the blockchain and API tools to the healthcare industry by proving their value in the revenue cycle management arena. A pair of new partnerships between the financial services company and healthcare-focused startups aim to “reconceptualize” the claims management and patient payment processes, using blockchain and API technologies to reduce the time between service and collection...
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Can Data Provide the Trust we Need in Health Care?
One of the problems dragging down the US health care system is that nobody trusts one another. Most of us, as individuals, place faith in our personal health care providers, which may or may not be warranted. But on a larger scale we’re all suspicious of each other... Read More »
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Carequality and CommonWell Health Alliance Agree on Connectivity and Collaboration to Advance Interoperability
CommonWell Health Alliance and Carequality announced today an agreement to increase health IT connectivity nationwide. The agreement provides additional health data sharing options to a broad range of stakeholders across healthcare, and has three aspects:
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CommonWell Wants To 'Open This Up'
In the year and 10 days since it was launched in New Orleans, the vendors of the CommonWell Health Alliance have been setting up the infrastructure for their vision of cross-competitive data liquidity. Now it's time to see what that interoperability can accomplish for the patient.
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CommonWell: Healthcare Interoperability Or Bust
Peter Bernhardt of CommonWell Health Alliance, a group of clinical and health IT organizations, talks about its goal of better data exchange and application integration...
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Connecting Patient Data Solving Healthcare Interoperability and the ONC Blockchain Challenge
Interoperability is an old concept dating back to the eighth century BC. Society has been struggling for centuries with the idea of combining individual parts or components to create a whole unit. However, interoperability with healthcare only came about in published works 23 years ago, in 1993. More recently, in 2013, HIMSS defined of healthcare interoperability as “the ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate, exchange data and use the information that has been exchanged”...
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Data Exchange Rises in Importance for Urgent Care Providers
As the healthcare industry transitions to value-based care, urgent care companies and health systems are forging formal business partnerships and then facilitating those relationships through the exchange of electronic patient data. The partnerships have advantages for both parties. Health systems want to add urgent care to their patient care continuum, while urgent care companies want to be included in local provider networks...
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Do Gaps in Health IT Security Laws Stunt Technology Innovation?
A new ONC report details the implications of health IT security laws on health IT innovation and development. Gaps in privacy and security law may be hindering the development and expansion of health IT and EHR use across the industry, a recent report from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology suggests...
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Does Healthcare Need a More Modern Way to Define and Measure EHR Interoperability?
KLAS executive vice president Taylor Davis said that measuring interoperability can get messy because the EHR market is currently immature. Industry experts and the federal government are divided on the best way to assess the state of the nation’s health IT interoperability. The Office for the National Coordinator for Health IT, for instance, has proposed using CIO surveys to gauge the status of interoperability among and between healthcare organizations...
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EHR Optimization: Necessary Because EHRS Are Never “Done”
Why, if over 95 percent of hospitals have implemented EHRs, are so many planning to invest in improvements or replacements this year? A new Healthcare IT News survey of hospital executives showed that 24 percent are conducting a major EHR system upgrade, and 21 percent are replacing their EHR at one or more sites. KPMG’s survey of CHIME members last month found that at least 38 percent of CIOs are investing in EHR optimization projects this year; in fact, they plan to spend more on EHR optimization than any other area of HIT. These numbers are huge when you consider that most hospital EHRs are newer versions implemented to meet MU attestation requirements...
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Experts from BMW Group Research and Technology are developing in the research project webinos an open source platform for using mobile web applications across different devices.
The infinite world of the web. Experts from BMW Group Research and Technology are developing in the research project webinos an open source platform for using mobile web applications across different devices. Read More »
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Group Reports Progress on an Open Serialization Communication Standard
The Open Serialization Communication Standard (Open-SCS) Group, which held a meeting in Princeton, NJ recently, reports that it is making progress toward its goal of drafting core serialization standards to facilitate data exchange for packaging line serialization and aggregation. Open-SCS was established in 2015 by pharmaceutical manufacturers that include Abbott, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Roche and Teva, as well as such vendors as Antares Vision, OCS, Omron, Optel Vision, Systech, TraceLink and Werum IT Solutions...
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Halamka's Reflections on US Health IT Policy Trajectory
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