Electronic Health Record (EHR)
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Why DoD EHR Modernization Will Fail
As the U.S. Department of Defense zeroes in on determining which bidding group will be awarded the coveted contract to modernize its electronic health record system, Loren Thompson, COO at the nonprofit Lexington Institute, says the effort is doomed to fail. As evidence, he uses the words that Christopher A. Miller, the program executive overseeing the project, used in testimony before the Senate's defense appropriations subcommittee. Read More »
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Why Electronic Health Records Aren't More Usable
Federal government incentives worth about $30 billion have persuaded the majority of physicians and hospitals to adopt electronic health record (EHR) systems over the past few years. However, most physicians do not find EHRs easy to use. Physicians often have difficulty entering structured data in EHRs, especially during patient encounters. The records are hard to read because they're full of irrelevant boilerplates generated by the software and lack individualized information about the patient...
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Why Geeks Should Care About Meaningful Use and ACOs
Healthcare reform pairs two basic concepts: Change incentives: lower costs by paying less for "better" care not "more" care; Use software to measure whether you are getting "better" care. Read More »
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Why I Hope to Help End EHR’s Lack of Interoperability
I am tired of waiting. Millions of medical professionals and patients are tired of waiting. We have been waiting for EHR interoperability since the dawn of EHRs in the 1960s. Enough is enough! Our goal is to achieve EHR interoperability through a grass roots coalition of medical professionals and patients who are tired of waiting. The simple life-saving ability of hospital EHRs to connect to one another so healthcare providers can easily and readily access patient data is not being addressed. This type of issue is traditionally solved by industry or government initiatives. But so far they have not, and apparently will not solve it so I have decided to raise this issue through an outpouring of angry citizens, hospital patients, physicians and others being impacted. Read More »
Why Some Docs Will 'Just Say No' To MU
Thousands of eligible providers are working diligently toward EHR incentive payments, but some practices are choosing a different route: abandoning meaningful use altogether in favor of their own solutions, and finding ways to make up for the penalties they’ll incur down the road...
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Why The Private Sector Lags VA In Telehealth
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has long been ahead of the private sector in health IT. Its VistA electronic health record (EHR) system, for example, was in use throughout the VA's hospitals and ambulatory clinics long before non-VA providers began to adopt EHRs en masse in the past few years. And as recent VA figures show, the department has also left the private sector in the dust in the area of telehealth. Read More »
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Wikipedia and Facebook for Clinical Documentation
Over the past several years I’ve written about the inadequate state of clinical documentation, which is largely unchanged since the days of Osler, (except for a bit more structure introduced by Larry Weed in the 1970s) and was created for billing/legal purposes not for care coordination...In recent lectures, I’ve called on the country to adopt Wikipedia and Facebook for clinical documentation...
Will PHIEs Lead the Consumer Medical Record Revolution and Bridge the Gap Between Personal Health Records and EHRs?
It has only been about two generations since traveling medicine shows were common forums for medical information. Phony research and medical claims were used to back up the sale of all kinds of dubious medicines. Potential patients had no real method to determine what was true or false, let alone know what their real medical issues were. Healthcare has come a long way since those times, but similar to the lack of knowing the compositions of past medical concoctions and what ailed them, today’s digital age patients still don’t know what is in their medical records. They need transparency, not secret hospital –vendor contracts and data blocking, like the practices being questioned by the New York Times. One patient, Regina Holliday resorts to using art to bring awareness to the lack of patient’s access to their own medical records.
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Will The DoD Create Another Frankenstein EHR?
Will the DoD create another Frankenstein EHR monster? Don’t trick us with dead data, treat us with middleware connectivity, Dr. Donald Voltz writes...
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Will “Digital Fingerprint” Forensics Thwart the Data Thieves Lurking in Hospital EHR Corridors?
As Halloween approaches, the usual spate of horror movies will intrigue audiences across the US, replete with slashers named Jason or Freddie running amuck in the corridors of all too easily accessible hospitals. They grab a hospital gown and the zombies fit right in. While this is just a movie you can turn off, the real horror of patient data theft can follow you...Unfortunately, this horror movie scenario is similar to how data thefts often occur at medical facilities. In 2015, the healthcare industry was one of the top three hardest hit industries with serious data breaches and major attacks, along with government and manufacturers. Packed with a wealth of exploitable information such as credit card data, email addresses, Social Security numbers, employment information and medical history records, much of which will remain valid for years, if not decades and fetch a high price on the black market.
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Williams Medical Technologies, Inc.
Williams Medical Technologies Inc. offers CLOUD based OpenEMR and hosted or local server based OpenEMR solutions. Setup, configuration and support, and on-site or web based training. Billing enhancements and support. Bi-directional lab and radiology interfaces available for all national laboratories. State based immunization database registry interfaces available. Additional features include: custom patient portal, HylaFax integration, HL-7 bi-directional interfaces, program customization, and functional/workflow solutions.
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Workshop Lays Out Strategy for Common VistA Code Base
Who Says a Common VistA Code Base is Unattainable? Certainly not the Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA), nor 27 principal developers of VistA who participated in the first OSEHRA Code Alignment Workshop held in Oakland, California, last week. An unprecedented effort, the workshop brought together government and private organizations dedicated to open source solutions for the challenges facing healthcare. Its primary objective was to facilitate rapid innovation for the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA), the electronic health record (EHR) software used by Veterans Health Administration (VHA) facilities as well as hundreds of medical centers in the U.S. and abroad, totaling approximately 2,500 facilities worldwide. Read More »
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Wye Valley NHS Trust to get open-source EPR
Wye Valley NHS Trust has signed a five-year contract with IMS Maxims for its open-source electronic patient record (EPR) system. It is the second UK health trust to choose the openMAXIMS platform after Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust signed up for the system last year. Wye Valley aims to go live with the system by the end of 2016, when the contract for the trust’s iPM patient administration system, which it received as part of the National Programme for IT, expires.
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Wyoming Wants State-Based Health Reform
The governor wants to have “a Wyoming solution for healthcare reform and believes very strongly that this is not an issue that we can ignore, but it’s an issue that we need to work on and move the ball forward,” she said during a recorded town hall meeting.
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ZH Healthcare
ZH Healthcare provides innovative OpenEMR based Electronic Medical Records and fully integrated Revenue Cycle Management solutions to healthcare providers worldwide. Read More »
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