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Number of Public HIEs Drop, Bringing Viability into Question
Despite federal funding that aided their creation, the number of community and state health information exchanges is declining as HIEs struggle to remain financially viable now that seed money has dried up. Those are among the results of a new national survey published in the July issue of Health Affairs that tracked community and state HIE efforts soon after federal funding ended. “We found 106 operational HIE efforts that, as a group, engaged more than one-third of all U.S. providers in 2014,” states the study’s authors...
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Open Source Collaboration Key to Healthcare Blockchain Adoption
Interest in healthcare blockchain continues to grow as organizations realize the potential data sharing advantages. Blockchain is not currently used in healthcare, but open source projects, such as Hyperledger, are working to develop blockchain standards that can eventually be used in healthcare. Entities are showing genuine interest in blockchain and are currently working on projects for future adoption, according to Hyperledger Executive Director Brian Behlendorf...
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Open Source Electronic Health Records: A Cost Solution For Hospitals
When Oroville Hospital decided to digitize its patient medical records three years ago,...chief executive Robert Wentz...did something almost unheard of for a health care executive: he went open source. As the saying goes in this conservative industry, no one gets fired for picking Epic. Wentz’s decision is not for the squeamish or the straight-laced. It forced long-time hospital administrators with tight schedules and deadlines to loosen up and collaborate with a network of free agents—open source programmers who voluntarily support a publicly available electronic health record called VistA...
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Open vs Closed EHR Systems With Jonathan Bush
Yesterday I had a video interview scheduled with Jonathan Bush from athenahealth. [...] [There] was a system wide problem and so we were unable to broadcast the interview. However, Jonathan and I were able to see each other and so we just did a more traditional interview about the subject of open vs closed EHR systems. Read More »
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Overview of Open Source and VistA in the UK's NHS
There is much widely publicised interest from NHS England in encouraging the development and implementation of open-source software in the National Health System (NHS) with the debate raging in a number of forums, notably on EHI where this article and the comments it has generated are vital reading for anyone interested in this issue. This debate has been fueled by the availability of NHS England’s £260 million Technology Fund which is actively soliciting open source projects include bids to implement an NHS VistA... Read More »
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Patient Record Sharing Increases Using Carequality Interoperability Framework
Nationwide health data sharing takes another leap forward as the early adopters of Carequality announced they’ve made it easier to exchange data between different electronic health record systems (EHRs), record locator services (RLS), and health information exchanges (HIEs), leveraging a central provider directory and common set of rules. At select sites, providers using athenahealth®, eClinicalWorks, Epic, HIETexas, NextGen and Surescripts are now sharing health information with other providers using the Carequality Interoperability Framework...
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Population Health Management Becoming a Priority for Providers, but Many Struggle With Stop-Gap Solutions and Lack of Infrastructure, Says Latest Black Book Survey
Black Book’s most recent report on the state of population health management (PHM) reveals that it is among the fastest-growing areas in the healthcare IT space and several effective end-to-end solutions emerging. Record PHM spending underscores its increasing importance with a reported $8B invested in digital health in sum in 2016, with the majority going to population health and patient experience tools. But even as PHM solutions are quickly becoming a priority for healthcare organizations, in Q1 2017, 81% of providers are tackling population health projects without a strategic technology purchase that meets all their needs...
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Precision Medicine: Analytics, Data Science and EHRs in the New Age
The promise of genomics and personalized care are closer than many realize. But clinical systems and EHRs are not ready yet. While policymakers and innovators play catch-up, here’s a look at what you need to know. Considering how fast technology advances in the healthcare industry, it seems natural that a once-innovative concept could become obsolete in the span of, say, a dozen years. Knowledge, comprehension and capabilities continue moving forward, and if the instruments of support don't keep pace, it can cause a rift to appear. If nothing is done, it can exacerbate into a seismic event...
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Public Health Tech: The Future of Health Tech You Never Heard Of
Digital Health has experienced a glorious boom in the last decade and is expected to reach $379.3 Billion by 2024 with 25% of the growth occurring between 2016 and 2024. Patient management can now be done on user-friendly platforms; physicians can remotely monitor their patients with mobile devices and telemedicine; and personal trackers and genetic testing are allowing patients easier access to their own health data. Clearly, we understand the kind of power technology has on improving the delivery of care and management of disease...
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PwC Enters Competition For DoD EHR Modernization Contract
PricewaterhouseCooper is the latest organization to throw its hat into the ring to contend for the sizeable EHR contract offered by the Department of Defense (DoD). PwC US is joining forces with DSS, MedSphere, and General Dynamics Information Technology to put together a competitive bid...
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Q&A: Mostashari On Sequester, RECs, CommonWell
Interoperability and exchange are perhaps the most frequently spoken words at this year’s HIMSS13 conference. Yet they are only two among the many issues facing national coordinator Farzad Mostashari, MD, this week. Read More »
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Samuel Shem Calls for Using VistA and the VA Model of Care to Solve the Physician Burnout Crisis
On November 1st Newsweek published an extraordinary Op-Ed by Samuel Shem titled Why Computerized Medical Records Are Bad for Both You and Your Doctor. In the article, Shem, pen name for the American psychiatrist and well-known author Stephen Joseph Bergman, presents evidence that poorly designed electronic medical records (EMRs) and over-regulation are to blame for the growing crisis of physician burnout and suicide. The rate of suicides among physicians has risen to a staggering number--three per day. Shem argues that there is a "better way," and that is shown by the electronic health record (EHR) system used by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA's EHR is called VistA. Shem's view is supported by a large and increasing number of physicians and nurses. Read More »
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Should The DoD Buy Epic, Or Cerner, Or GE, Or…?
The Department of Defense (DoD) is in the market for an EHR solution… again. After a lengthy foray into building its own EHR from scratch (AHLTA), [...] and another shorter detour [...] with the Veteran Administration (VA), [...] the DoD announced that it will begin looking for a commercially available product to suit the DoD’s unique needs. Read More »
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Southcoast Health Cutting Dozens of Jobs on Heels of Expensive Epic Implementation
Stung by losses linked to costly technology upgrades, Southcoast Health is laying off 95 employees just a year after finalizing a similar staffing cut.The cuts represent 1 percent of Southcoast’s 7,251 workforce, and will happen across the care provider's three hospitals in Fall River, Wareham and New Bedford. All levels of hospital staff will be affected, officials said. Southcoast employees were notified of the cut Wednesday morning...
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Survey: 80% Of Physicians Use EHRs, Many Favor VA's System
A majority of health care providers reported using an electronic health record system, with the Department of Veterans Affairs' VA-CPRS system scoring the highest, according to a new Medscape survey, EHR Intelligence reports...
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