IT infrastructure
See the following -
A Discussion of Medicaid’s $5 Billion/Year IT Infrastructure Transformation
CMS provides funding to the tune of 5 billion dollars per year to support the Medicaid information technology platforms run by the states. In December 2015, CMS issued a final rule, Mechanized Claims Processing and Information Retrieval Systems (90% Federal/10% State), to assist states to update Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS) in over 20 states. These changes will allow states to improve customer service and support the dynamic nature of Medicaid eligibility, enrollment, and delivery systems. Also within this rule was language directing the Medicaid Enterprise towards an open, modular architecture.
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CMS To Invest $5+ Billion a Year in Open Source and Cloud-based IT Infrastructure for Medicaid
After more than 40 years of relying on monolithic mainframe platforms to administer its services, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has embraced a new modular, open and agile approach to Medicaid health information technology for the Federal government and States. In many ways, this is the best of what open source advocates and technology innovators could have hoped for when it comes to open source policy from a government agency. According to Andrew Slavitt, Acting Administrator of CMS, the agency will spend more than $5 billion a year to fund this transformation.
No Longer Why Open Source, But How To Do Open Source
Fifteen years ago I spent a good deal of my time evangelizing open source software...Today I spend more time educating perspective open source participants on how they can leverage open source to reduce development costs, improve operational efficiency and drive customization for their own purposes.
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Specsavers Focuses on Red Hat to Drive Open Source Technology Vision
World's leading optician selects Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat JBoss Middleware to streamline costs & business efficiencies Read More »
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Technology Breakdowns A Core Strategic Concern For Hospitals
Not just a hurricane or tornado can shut down the IT infrastructure; man-made attacks threaten as well
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VA and VistA: Can they be fixed?
pivoting away from VistA, the agency's homegrown electronic health record system, would be a major shift for the VA. Former VA CIO Roger Baker said VistA is the only EHR designed by doctors, not technologists. "That is the real power of VistA, and it remains the real power of VistA," he added. The system, rooted in 1970s code, is designed to assist doctors in their daily work. Providers at the various VA medical facilities nationwide customize it for their specific needs.
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