Keith Elliston
See the following -
Deloitte Continues Its Support Of TranSMART Foundation As Gold-Level Sponsor And Will Join Board Of Directors
Deloitte has announced today the gold-level sponsorship of the tranSMART Foundation. As a part of Deloitte's sponsorship, Brett Davis, principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP, will join the Foundation's board of directors. Read More »
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Gathering a Health Care Industry Around an Open Source Solution: the Success of tranSMART
The role of open source software in healthcare is relatively hidden and uncelebrated, but organizations such as the tranSMART Foundation prove that it is making headway behind the scenes. tranSMART won three awards at the recent Bio‐IT World conference, including Best in Show. The tranSMART Foundation is a non‐profit organization that develops creates software for translational research, performing tasks such as searching for patterns in genomes and how they are linked to clinical outcomes. Like most of the sustainable, highly successful open source projects, tranSMART avoids hiring programmers to do the work itself, but fosters a sense of community by coordinating more than 100 developers from the companies who benefit from the software.
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How Can Open Source Projects Support Themselves in Health Care?
High prices and poor usability hasn't driven the health care industry away from megalithic, proprietary applications. What may win the industry over to open source (in addition to the hope of fixing those two problems) is its promises of easy customization, infinite flexibility, extensibility, and seamless data exchange. As we will see, open platforms also permit organizations to collaborate on shared goals, which appeals to many participants. But if open source projects can't charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for installation as their commercial competitors do, how will they pay their developers and hold together as projects? This article compares three major organizations in the open source health care space: the tranSMART Foundation, Open Health Tools (OHT), and Open mHealth. Each has taken a different path to the universal goal of stability.
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i2b2 Foundation and tranSMART Foundation Announce Intent to Merge
The two leading open-source foundations (The tranSMART Foundation and the i2b2 Foundation) in the healthcare and translational research space are merging into a single foundation to advance the field of precision medicine. These organizations provide open-source software and databases representing more than 100 million patient lives to thousands of physicians and scientists worldwide...
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i2b2 Foundation and tranSMART Foundation Merge to Become the i2b2 tranSMART Foundation
The tranSMART and i2b2 foundations today announce the completion of their merger to become the i2b2 tranSMART Foundation. The new organization is a global non-profit open-source foundation facilitating the further development of precision medicine and bringing it to practice. The mission of the i2b2 tranSMART Foundation is to enable effective collaboration for precision medicine through the sharing, integration, standardization, and analysis of heterogeneous data from healthcare and research; through engagement and mobilization of a life sciences focused open-source, open-data community...
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IBM and the tranSMART Foundation Bring Translational Medicine Data to Scientists
The tranSMART Foundation, a non-profit organization providing a global, open-source, open-data knowledge management platform for scientists to share pre-competitive translational research data, and IBM (NYSE: IBM), today announced their collaboration and the general availability of the tranSMART platform (version 16.2) on IBM Power8 servers. The translational research platform is running on IBM Power8 servers at the tranSMART Foundation's Center of Excellence at the University of Michigan. This new implementation allows users to take advantage of the optimized performance enabling them to more quickly and easily load and analyze data...
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Life Science and IT Organizations Invest in the tranSMART Foundation to Advance Translational Medicine Research
The tranSMART Foundation, a non-profit organization providing a global, open-source knowledge management platform for scientists to share pre-competitive translational research data, today announced that 20 life sciences and technology organizations have made substantial commitments by joining its Membership Program. Read More »
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Merger of TranSmart, i2b2 Aims to Provide Informatics Boost to Precision Medicine Efforts
As genomic tools continue to make their way from the research lab into clinical practice, the recently announced merger between the TranSmart Foundation and the Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) aims to provide researchers and clinicians with an open-source resource that could benefit precision medicine efforts. Earlier this month, the two organizations announced their plans to combine into a single foundation focused on providing open-source biomedical software and databases for precision medicine...
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Sequencing, cloud computing, and analytics meet around genetics and pharma Bio-IT World Shows What is Possible and What Is Being Accomplished
Bio-IT World shows what is possible and what is being accomplished...last week I took the subway downtown and crossed the two wind- and rain-whipped bridges that the city of Boston built to connect to the World Trade Center. I mingled for a day with attendees and exhibitors to find what data-related challenges they’re facing and what the latest solutions are. Here are some of the major themes I turned up...
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The tranSMART Foundation And BT Collaborate To Deliver Fast, Flexible Cloud-Based Applications To Life Science Organizations
BT joins the tranSMART Foundation to extend support to the developer community; companies to continue work on the next release of Translational Medicine Platform.
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The tranSMART Foundation To Present Its Open-Source Knowledge Management Platform At Bio-IT World Conference & Expo
The tranSMART Foundation, a non-profit organization providing a global, open-source knowledge management platform for scientists to share pre-competitive translational research data, today announced its program for participation at the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo in Boston, Mass. on April 29 – May 1, 2014.
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The tranSMART Platform Wins Three Awards at the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo
The tranSMART Foundation, a non-profit organization providing a global, open-source knowledge management platform for scientists to share pre-competitive translational research data, today announced that its platform won three awards at the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo April 21-23, 2015 in Boston, Mass., including Best-of-Show, Best Practices and Best Poster Awards. The tranSMART Platform v1.2 won the Best-of-Show Award in the Informatics & Data Tools category honoring exceptional innovation in technologies used by life science professionals.
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tranSMART Foundation Announces Full Agenda for 2016 Annual Conference
The tranSMART Foundation, a non-profit organization providing a global, open-source, open-data knowledge management platform for scientists to share pre-competitive translational research data, today announced the full agenda for its 2016 tranSMART Annual Meeting at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in La Jolla, Calif., October 25-27, 2016...
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tranSMART Foundation Announces Keynote Speakers for 2014 Annual Meeting
The tranSMART Foundation, a non-profit organization providing a global, open-source knowledge management platform for scientists to share pre-competitive translational research data, today announced the keynote speakers for its 2014 Annual Meeting being held October 14-16 at the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor, MI...
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tranSMART Foundation Announces Keynotes for 2016 Annual Conference
The tranSMART Foundation, a non-profit organization providing a global, open-source, open-data knowledge management platform for scientists to share pre-competitive translational research data, today announced its keynote speakers for its 2016 tranSMART Annual Meeting at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in La Jolla, Calif., October 25-27, 2016. The keynotes for this year's conference include industry experts in various areas of translational medicine, including...
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