
See the following -

Alzheimer's 'Could Bankrupt Nations'

Chris Higgins | Wired UK | April 29, 2014

"We're looking at the first disease in modern history that has the potential to bankrupt nations," said Elli Kaplan at Wired Health this morning.  She was talking about Alzheimer's disease, which every six seconds is developed by another human being.

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Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich

Evan Osnos | The New Yorker | January 30, 2017

Steve Huffman, the thirty-three-year-old co-founder and C.E.O. of Reddit, which is valued at six hundred million dollars, was nearsighted until November, 2015, when he arranged to have laser eye surgery. He underwent the procedure not for the sake of convenience or appearance but, rather, for a reason he doesn’t usually talk much about: he hopes that it will improve his odds of surviving a disaster, whether natural or man-made. “If the world ends—and not even if the world ends, but if we have trouble—getting contacts or glasses is going to be a huge pain in the ass,” he told me recently...

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