Just as I clarified last week in my post about Certification, the answer to the question “do we need more or less healthcare IT regulation and legislation” is that we need the right amount of the right regulations/legislation. Sometimes when clinicians prescribe medication, although it does therapeutic good, it creates side effects which need to be addressed by changing a dose or by adding additional medications. Such is the case with HITECH. It was generally good medicine, but now that we’ve seen the side effects on workflow, clinician burden, and efficiency, there needs to be a dose adjustment...
Office of the National Coordinator (ONC)
See the following -
Health IT: The Coming Regulation
The Food and Drug Administration has spent decades refining its processes for approving drugs and devices (and is still refining them), so what would happen if they extended their scope to the exploding health software industry? The FDA, and its parent organization, the Department of Health and Human Services, are facing an unpleasant and politically difficult choice.
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Axial Exchange And HealthDay Partner To Provide Customized Health News To Enhance Patient Engagement And Improve Outcomes
Axial Exchange, Inc., a pioneer in using mobile apps to deepen the patient’s role in improving outcomes, today announced that it has partnered with HealthDay, a leading producer and syndicator of evidence-based healthcare news for consumers and physicians, to give Axial’s users access to HealthDay’s news updates. Axial’s customers will be able to view information on iPhone and Android devices that has been tailored to align with their specific health conditions, such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
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BlueEHS™ Attracts 1,100 New Medical Practices Each Month
ZH HealthcareTM (ZH), the leading provider of Health IT as a ServiceTM (HITaaSTM), today presented its 2015 report card and announced major initiatives for 2016...In 2015 ZH defined its mission: “to make health information technology and electronic medical records affordable and accessible to everyone.” Mr. Hameed declared that, “The path to achieving ZH’s mission is by delivering a platform that enables healthcare providers and innovators to quickly build and deploy their Electronic Health Solution, using a set of tools and modules available on the cloud, with minimal time and cost...
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careMESH Receives 2015 Edition ONC Health IT Certification
careMESH, the only service provider to guarantee digital delivery of patient health information to any U.S.-based clinician, announced that it has achieved ONC-Health IT 2015 Edition Health IT Module Certification for reporting on the delivery of transitions of care. This ONC-Health IT Certification gives customers the assurance that careMESH can be used for digital communications and its reports can be used in Promoting Interoperability attestation. "Achieving 2015 ONC certification was important so that our customers could not only rely on careMESH for digital communications with the outside world, but also on our reports for attestation," said careMESH President and COO, Justin Sims.
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Case For Dropping MU Stages 2 And 3
Federal meaningful use requirements are well intentioned, but like a teacher who “teaches to the test,” the federal meaningful use program created a very complicated system that might pass the test of meaningful use stages, but is not producing meaningful results for patients and clinicians...
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Consumer Access to Health Care Data: Still a Challenge
Consumers continue to be frustrated with lack of access to their healthcare data, even as wearables and other consumer-targeted devices and services continue to sprout. Recently, ONC launched a Consumer Health Data Aggregator Challenge to spur the development of new applications and partnerships to provide aggregated health data to patients. While the financial “prize” for this effort is meager, recognition by ONC might be the real brass ring. This challenge focuses on the use of FHIR exclusively to support interoperability between systems and present data to consumers. I suspect that applicants will have some trouble meeting the requirements of the challenge effectively, and this is indicative of the broader challenge in supporting this type of data access.
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DeSalvo Sets Her Sights On Big Data
ONC chief Karen DeSalvo said it’s time for ONC to drive healthcare beyond the meaningful use of electronic health records toward the use of big data. “We have done a great job in the past ten years to get where we are, but I am really excited about the next decade to advance this notion to get data beyond meaningful use and advancing interoperability,” she said Thursday in a keynote on Capitol Hill.
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Do We Need More or Less Healthcare IT Regulation and Legislation?
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EHR Replacement: Addressing Data Ownership And Migration
In many cases, an EHR replacement ends up being even more complicated than an initial implementation. Clinicians now have a laundry list of complaints about the first system and may be vocal in demanding specific changes that a new EHR must include.
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Electronic Health Records - Expensive, Disruptive And Here To Stay
Physicians have more to do these days and it has nothing to do with treating patients. Although staff shortages and increasing need for care are time consuming for providers and add responsibilities, the real culprit of lost work time, especially for Emergency Room physicians, is electronic health records (EHR).
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Fear And Loathing In Meaningful Use
'I cannot stress this enough: It is fear that drives this process – fear of audit, fear of penalty.'...
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Feds Release FDASIA Workgroup Report On Health IT Governance
A widely anticipated report from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other agencies may finally clear the air on how healthcare IT – and mHealth in particular – will be regulated.
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Google Joins VistA Team Proposing Open Source EHR for the Department of Defense
Google has thrown its hat into the EHR ring by joining the team led by PwC which is proposing that the Department of Defense (DoD) upgrade their current EHR to Defense Operational Readiness Health System (DORHS), a customized application built for the DoD and based on VistA, the open source EHR developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)...Google’s participation has enormous implications for both the DoD’s EHR and to the healthcare industry as a whole. By choosing the open source EHR team, Google...has sent a clear message to the world that VistA is the best option for the DoD.
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Halamka's Next Steps for the National Healthcare IT agenda
At HIMSS, I listened carefully to payers, providers, patients, developers, and researchers. Below is a distillation of what I heard from thousands of stakeholders. It is not partisan and does not criticize the work of any person in industry, government or academia. It reflects the lessons learned from the past 20 years of healthcare IT implementation and policymaking. Knowing where we are now and where we want to be, here are 10 guiding principles.
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Halamka's Notes on the December HIT Standards Committee Meeting
The December HIT Standards Committee included a review of the draft Federal Health IT Strategic Plan, recommendations about identity management from the Transport and Security Workgroup, an overview of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, and a discussion of upcoming task force work as we all prepare for the publication of the ONC interoperability roadmap and the Meaningful Use Stage 3 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
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