open source community

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Neuron Health: Building Clinical Applications On An Open Source Platform

Here are four reasons building on the Tolven Platform can benefit healthcare application development, along with lessons learned through the experiences of Roberts-Hoffman Software.  Our team created the clinical functions of an inpatient EHR, many of which are available as open source plugins to Tolven under the Neuron Health project.

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Next On The Open Source Horizon: 3D Printing

Jack M. Germain | LinuxInsider | May 28, 2014

3D printing is not yet a mainstream business activity, but the technology has progressed to the point where users can print three-dimensional objects and manufacture their own prototypes and replacement parts with relative ease. The open source community is advancing 3D printing technology by conducting experiments that could take it to the next level. Read More »

Nginx Takes The Slippery Road Away From Open Source

Simon Phipps | InfoWorld | August 23, 2013

The popular upstart Web server released a proprietary Plus version this week. What could possibly go wrong? Read More »

NSA Concedes Hadoop Beats Its Pricey Alternatives

Matt Asay | ReadWrite | June 21, 2013

Despite its billion-dollar budget, the open-source community builds better Big Data technology than the NSA. Read More »

Obama and Biden Blast EHR Vendors for Data Blocking

As they are winding their terms in office, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden dropped a stink bomb on the health IT industry. Speaking at different events on Friday, January 9th, the President and Vice President both criticized proprietary electronic health record (EHR) vendors as the primary obstacle to the success of their administration’s health care strategy. This is the highest level acknowledgment so far of the serious impact that “lock-in” EHR software vendors are having on America’s medical infrastructure and the ability of physicians to provide medical care.

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Open Health Community Management At Clinovo Using Drupal

Olivier Roth, Community Manager at Clinovo, has grown an open source community around the open health platform ClinCapture, an open source Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system. caught up with Olivier, who was tasked with not only marketing an open source product but building genuine and natural interest around it to help move it forward. In this interview, we explore the importance of a community to an open source project with tips for how to create and maintain one. Read More »

Open Invention Network Surpasses 3,000 Members

Press Release | Open Invention Network | June 18, 2019

Open Invention Network (OIN), the largest patent non-aggression community in history, announced today that more than 3,000 organizations have joined its community and granted the OIN license to fellow members. To put this milestone into perspective, in only two years, OIN has increased the size of its community by 50 percent. This indicates the growing importance of open source software (OSS) and is an acknowledgment that patent non-aggression is a vital tenet of the open source community.

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Open Source and the Software Supply Chain

Grasping the nuances of hardware supply chains and their management is straightforward—you essentially are tracking moving boxes. Managing something as esoteric as resources for building software with a variety of contributions made by the open source community is more amorphic. When thinking about open source platforms and supply chains, I thought of the supply chain as a single process, taking existing open source components and producing a single result, namely a product. Since then, I’ve begun to realize that supply chain management defines much of the open source ecosystems today. That is, those who know how to manage and influence the supply chain have a competitive advantage over those who don’t do it as well, or even grasp what it is...

Open Source Code And Business Models: More Than Just A License

Michael Ferris | | May 15, 2013

As an organization or even individual there always seem to be questions when considering whether or not to make your project or code snippet open source. Read More »

Open source collaboration with VA betters VistA EHR security

Kyle Murphy | EHR Intelligence | November 15, 2013

The work of a graduate student at Georgia Tech has led to the creation of a patch to repair a security vulnerability in one of the most widely used EHR systems, according to an announcement by the Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent (OSEHRA). Read More »

Open Source Diversity Efforts Gain Momentum in 2016

If software is pervasive, shouldn't the people building it be from everywhere and represent different voices? The broadly accepted answer is yes, that we need a diverse set of developers and technologists to build the new digital world. Further, when you look at communities that thrive, they are those that evolve and grow and bring in new voices and perspectives. Because much of the software innovation happening today involves open source software, the open source community can be an entry point for new people in technology roles. This means that the open source community must evolve to stay relevant...

Open Source Health Collaborates with OpenEMR on Cloud-based Integrative Health Platform

Press Release | Medical Information Integration, LLC ("MI-Squared"), Open Source Health Inc. | December 11, 2014

Open Source Health pleased to announce it has entered into an agreement with Medical Information Integration add Open Source Health's technology for Integrative and Preventive medicine to their advanced openEMR platform making it the first of its kind globally. This will allow the thousands of clinics and practitioners serving millions of patients in over 200 countries to expand their practice from disease management to Integrative and Preventive Medicine.

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Open Source in Death and Beyond

Benjamin Franklin was known to say, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." There are open source solutions for completing your taxes, such as Open Tax Solver, but what about the other side of that quote? What does open source have to do with death? It's quite a lively subject, it seems. I know you are just dying to know, so let's dig in. We all experience death and it becomes a long drawn out process of paperwork and burial rituals that we hope doesn't weigh too much on the loved ones we've left behind. The open source community has given this process some thought, not surprisingly. They've lent their mindshare towards rethinking how to deal with that final episode of life. It turns out, not only is open source great in life, but it comes in handy in death, too...

Open Source Initiative Names Stefano Maffulli As First Executive Director

Press Release | Open Source Initiative (OSI) | September 8, 2021

The Open Source Initiative ® (OSI), stewards of the Open Source Definition that sets the foundation for the open source ecosystem, is excited to announce Stefano Maffulli as its first Executive Director.  The appointment is a key step for the transformation of OSI into a professionally managed organization, a process that the Board of Directors started in 2020. After an expansive search led by OSI’s purpose-built staffing committee, the Board of Directors appointed Maffulli, an experienced international leader in enterprise and open source environments.

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Open Source Is Eating The Software World

Michael S. | LinkedIn | April 19, 2013

It's been said software is eating the world. This year’s Future of Open Source survey points to the fact that open source is eating the software world. Read More »