Blue Button Champion Reflects on White House Experience
Matthew McCall, a founding member of the team that established OSEHRA, (the Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent), recently shared his impressions as he completed his six-months assignment as a Presidential Innovation Fellow...Matthew and his team of two other Fellows, Dr. Henry Wei and Ryan Panchadsaram, worked to enhance the “Blue Button for America” program while emphasizing that all of their work be compatible with open source... Read More »
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VistA as an EHR System Core for DoD
Here is a copy of the full text of the proposal submitted by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to the Department of Defense in response to the Request for Information for an electronic health record (EHR) solution that can replace the existing DoD EHR system. This is the approach that makes the most sense as the current core EHR that the Department of Defense (DoD) uses is based on a 30-year-old version of VistA. The current EHR crisis facing DoD stems from the inability to upgrade this older version of VistA. What the VA is proposing is basically an upgrade to DoD's existing core EHR. Read More »
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VA and OSEHRA Respond to DoD's EHR RFI
The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has just submitted a proposal to the Department of Defense for the Military Health System to migrate from its dysfunctional Electronic Health Record system (EHR) to the world-renowned EHR developed by the VA, known as VistA. The proposal was submitted in response to a Request for Proposal from DoD requesting advince on how to replace their current systems with a fully functional EHR. Read More »
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OpenMRS January 2013 Contributor Of The Month: Saptarshi Purkayastha
Editor’s Note: Starting in 2013, we will be highlighting an OpenMRS contributor every month, giving you the opportunity to learn more about the people building the OpenMRS software and community. More information about the Contributor of the Month program is available on the OpenMRS wiki...Saptarshi Purkayastha is from Mumbai, India and currently lives in Norway for work. He is a Research Fellow at the Department of Computer & Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, where he is enrolled in the PhD program and works as a researcher in the domain of Health Information Systems for developing countries. His research group is the HISP Project at the University of Oslo, so Saptarshi spends most of his time there. Recently, OpenMRS community manager Michael Downey spoke to Saptarshi about his experiences in the OpenMRS project. Read More »
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Achieving 'Singularity' Through Collaboration, Sharing, and 'Open' Solutions
Want a look into the future? Check out Doug Wolens’ recently released documentary film entitled, “The Singularity”. It contains a truly impressive cast of scientists, futurists and philosophers discussing the uncertainty of what the future holds for humanity as we move towards that moment in time where we achieve ‘singularity’.
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The Value of EHR Interoperability that Money Can't Buy
There seems to be something missing in our national debate about health care and the use of health information technologies (IT) in this marketplace. Do we want a more 'open' healthy society, or a more closed system? What role should markets play in public health and medical sociology? How do we decide which EHR solutions to acquire? Should we be looking more closely at open source alternatives versus proprietary programs. Should money, quality of care, or some other non-market values determine what's best for the patient? This cuts to the heart of the debate. Consider the hospital that chooses to not pay an expensive proprietary EHR vendor for the enhanced code required by a doctor in order to get the latest real time knowledge for treating a patient's disease.
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The Status of Health Information Exchange (HIE) Networks in the U.S.
Read about the latest status of HIE networks in the U.S., especially at the local level. The "2012 Report on Health Information Exchange" analyzes the latest results from the Annual Survey of Health Information Exchange (HIE) conducted by the eHealth Initiative (eHI) organization. It provides an overview of how HIE networks are supporting healthcare reform at a local, regional, and national level. Read More »
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Open Source Business Models - A More In Depth View
A quick Google search on "Business Models for Open Source" brings up numerous articles and studies on the topic that proclaim there are anywhere from five major business models to over eighty possible examples. We have compiled a list of approximately 15-20 business models or strategies for open source, depending on the mission, goals, licensing, context, and numerous other factors. While we would like to come up with as short a list as possible, the truth seems to lie somewhere in between. We have ended up with a list of approximately 15-20 business models or strategies for open source, depending on the mission, goals, licensing, context, and numerous other factors or variables, e.g. geography, competition, market.
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OpenEMR Continues to grow in Popularity and Use
OpenEMR recently posted a news release with data on the number of downloads of their popular open source electronic medical record (EMR) software. The number of practitioners using the system and the patient population they are treating are staggering – a real eye-opener. It's amazing that many noted management consulting & research organizations still fail to acknowledge or report on the rapidly growing number of high quality, open source health IT solutions now widely deployed. Read More »
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Open Source 3D Printing Technology & Healthcare
During 2012, we saw a dramatic increase in the study and use of 3D printing technology by biotechnology firms and academia for possible use in tissue engineering applications. Building organs and body parts using 'open' 3D printing techniques, layers of living cells are deposited onto a gel medium or sugar matrix and slowly built up to form three dimensional structures. This field of biotech research has been variously referred to as organ printing, bio-printing, body part printing and computer-aided tissue engineering, among other terms. Read More »
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