Open Source Projects of Relevance to caBIG and CBIIT

Ian Fore | National Cancer Institute | May 1, 2011

In connection with this working group Ken had raised the issue of our own use of/contribution to open source projects. Here is an ad hoc list of a few such projects.

Apart from the functionality they provide one of the benefits of using such tools is that we get additional perspective on using and contributing to open source ourselves. That experience could usefully inform the recommendations of this working group.

1. Kettle - Extract, Transform and Load tool
Also known as Pentaho Data Integration. There is a community version and an enterprise (aka not free) version...

2. AndroMDA
Open source Model Driven Architecture tool

Supports multiple UML tools...

3. Testtrack - Test management tool.
A common assumption is that test management means test automation. However, are quite distinct functions. Some key functions of test management are...

4. PhpBB
We already use this piece of open source software for the Knowledge Center forums. Recently we've been looking at generating custom reports on forum activity, KC responsiveness etc. These could potentially be resubmitted to the phpBB community using the add on module capabilities of phpBB....