Open-Source Operating Systems Open Vast Profit Potential

Jim Nelson | iStockAnalyst | May 2, 2011

The software that you are using right now on your computer or smart phone is about change — in fact this change has already started. Early investors in this technology could see vast profits. That is what I am here to talk about today.

Open-source software will disrupt a range of existing industries. Computing is already undergoing radical upheavals, but eventually, even our banking system will transform due to the open-source revolution.

I've written before to my Breakthrough Technology Alert subscribers about the open-source software controversy and its impact on investors. It is such an incredibly important story, however, that I'm going to expand on the subject here.

As resentment of Microsoft grows, so does the open-source movement. Many outsiders view this movement as an extension of the hacker community. Microsoft allies have gone as far as to accuse open source of being anti-capitalist, even anti-American.

The open-source community, however, is not a motley crew of counterculture anti-business "code monkeys" eating Fritos and drinking Mountain Dew in their parents' basements. Those types are part of it, of course, but the largest contributors to the open-source cause have been Sun Microsystems, Oracle Corp. and Google.