Is the American Heart Association a Terrorist Organization?
A few days ago, the AHA stole the attention of headlines across the globe with a report that sounded like it was straight out of the 1990s: Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association. In this report, the AHA doubled down on their attacks against coconut oil and saturated fat. Frank Sacks, lead author on the report, reportedly said that he has no idea why people think coconut oil is healthy.
Kevin Michael GearyTwo primary theories underscore their entire argument:
- That saturated fat increases LDL cholesterol.
- That an increase of LDL cholesterol is a cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
But those two primary theories have been thoroughly debunked. The British Medical Journal said as much in October 2013. Even the incompetent USDA recently figured out that the cholesterol panic was all for naught and changed their guidelines.
Here are the facts:
- “LDL cholesterol” is a term that describes multiple types of LDL particles. Not all LDL particle types are associated with CVD. Thus, the increase in LDL does not necessarily translate to a greater risk of CVD. In fact, the increases in LDL that come from eating saturated fat are specifically from the particle type not associated with CVD...
- Tags:
- Ag Canada and Canola Oil Council
- Amarin
- American Heart Association (AHA)
- Amgen
- AstraZeneca
- Big Agriculture
- Big Food
- Big Pharma
- British Medical Journal
- California Walnut Commission
- cardiovascular disease (CVD)
- Comprehensive Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in Schools 2013
- Eli Lilly
- FDA Safety and Innovation Act 2012
- Frank Sacks
- Glaxo-Smith Kline
- HDL cholesterol
- Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act 2010
- HEART for Women Provision
- Kevin Michael Geary
- LDL cholesterol
- Menu Education and Labeling Act 2010
- Merck
- National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
- NIH Funding in Economic Stimulus Bill (2009)
- Nutrition Provisions in the Farm Bill (2014)
- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) 2010
- Pfizer
- public health policies
- Regeneron/Sanofi
- SNAP program
- Takeda
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