OpenMRS Announces 2017 Google Summer of Code students
Harsha KumaraCongratulations to the 15 students selected by OpenMRS to participate in Google Summer of Code™ this year! A total of nearly 1,400 students were selected to participate with 201 different open-source projects.
As the organization administrators for the program, we are thrilled to announce our 11th year of participation yet in the annual event graciously sponsored by Google. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed participating in this great program in the last 10 years and are even more excited about the students, projects and mentors that are participating this year. Coding for OpenMRS is a great way for university students to practice coding skills and at the same time help benefit people in developing countries who are on the front lines of the battle against HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, and other public health challenges.
Please extend your congratulations and a welcome to the following students & new OpenMRS contributors:
- Gayan Weerakutti: Improved REST API Documentation (mentors Shreyans Sheth & Pascal Brandt)
- Lahiru Jayathilake: Patient Matching 2.0 (mentors Burke Mamlin & Shaun Grannis)
- Shivang Nagaria: Data Integrity Module 4.x Improvement (mentors Stephen Senkomago Musoke)
- Jai Tatia: Generic Tagging Mechanism (mentors Wyclif Luyima)
- Kwateng Ofori : FHIR Module Enhancements (mentors Harsha Kumara)
- Xu Hao : Open Concept Lab enhancements (mentors Jonathan Payne)
- Choxmi Sathsara: DHISReport Reporting Enhancements (mentors Sri Maurya Kummamuru)
- Reuben Varghese: Add-On Index Enhancements (mentors Darius Jazayeri)
- Ankit Kumar : OWA Generator Improvement (mentors Pascal Brandt)
- Nipun Thathsara: Anonymous Patient Registration Project (mentors Sara Fatima)
- Sanatt Abrol: FHIR OAuth Smart Apps Integration and OAuth module enhancements (mentors Mayank Sharma)
- Ayush Goyal: Android Client Feature Parity and Improvements (mentors Avijit Ghosh)
- Suthagar Kailayapathy: More Metadata Management in AdminUI (mentors Daniel Kayiwa)
- Chanuka Wijayakoon : Operation Theater Module Workflow Enhancements (mentors Akshika Wijesundara)
- Jude Niroshan : Built-in Reports for Reference Application (mentors Rafal Korytkowski)
Finally, keep an eye on our Summer of Code 2017 wiki page and on OpenMRS Talk for GSoC project updates on for the OpenMRS students!
Kaweesi Joseph & Harsha Kumara
OpenMRS Organization Administrators for Google Summer of Code
OpenMRS Announces 2017 Google Summer of Code students was written by Harsha Kumara. It was originally published in and reprinted in Open Health News under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). The original copy of the article can be found here. |
- Tags:
- Akshika Wijesundara
- Ankit Kumar
- Avijit Ghosh
- Ayush Goyal
- Burke Mamlin
- Chanuka Wijayakoon
- Choxmi Sathsara
- Daniel Kayiwa
- Darius Jazayeri
- Gayan Weerakutti
- Google Summer of Code (GsoC)
- Harsha Kumara
- Jai Tatia
- Jonathan Payne
- Jude Niroshan
- Kaweesi Joseph
- Kwateng Ofori
- Lahiru Jayathilake
- malaria
- Mayank Sharma
- Nipun Thathsara
- open health
- open source EHR
- open source projects
- open source software (OSS)
- OpenMRS
- OpenMRS Summer of Code 2017 wiki
- Pascal Brandt
- public health challenges
- Rafal Korytkowski
- Reuben Varghese
- Sanatt Abrol
- Sara Fatima
- Shaun Grannis
- Shivang Nagaria
- Shreyans Sheth
- Sri Maurya Kummamuru
- Stephen Senkomago Musoke
- Suthagar Kailayapathy
- tuberculosis
- Wyclif Luyima
- Xu Hao
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