See the following -
10 Promising Technologies Assisting the Future of Medicine and Healthcare
Technology will not solve the problems that healthcare faces globally today. And the human touch alone is not enough any more, therefore a new balance is needed between using disruptive innovations but still keeping the human interaction between patients and caregivers. Here are 10 technologies and trends that could enable this...
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Apple Continues Hiring Raid On Medical Sensor Field As It Develops Eye Scanning Technology
Apple is moving to expand its personnel working on wearable computers and medical-sensor-laden devices by hiring more scientists and specialists in the medical sensor field. Apple began work in earnest on a watch-like device late last decade, and it has worked with increasing efficiency and more dedicated resources on the project over the past couple of years. [...] Read More »
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Data Crisis: Who Owns Your Medical Records?
We’ve all encountered issues with our medical records. Whether getting a copy for a second opinion, finding major mistakes, or changing health care providers, our access to this important set of data has been fraught with difficulties. But that’s in the past tense—it’s getting worse. Sadly, your medical records are the property of hospitals, doctors, and health systems. Except in New Hampshire, where ownership rights are assigned to the patient, no other states recognize the individual’s right of control and ownership of their medical data...
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