data privacy
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HHS announces the Move Health Data Forward Phase 3 challenge winners
As part of its ongoing efforts to support the interoperable flow of health information, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) today announced the Phase 3 – and final – winners of the Move Health Data Forward Challenge. The multi-phase challenge focused on the development of applications allowing individuals to share their personal health information safely and securely with their health care providers, family members or other caregivers...
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HHS Makes Changes to 'Wall of Shame' Breach Reporting Site
The Department of Health and Human Services has made changes to its website, widely referred to as the "wall of shame," that lists reports of major health data breaches affecting 500 or more individuals. The changes come after complaints from some members of Congress and others that the website unfairly exposes breached organizations to endless public scrutiny because incidents are indefinitely listed on the site...
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How DOD Embraced Bug Bounties -- And How Your Agency Can, Too
It was a Tuesday in April, and Mark Litchfield was poking around the Defense Department's Defense Video Imagery Distribution System, looking for security holes. It didn't take him long to find one. He soon uncovered a vulnerability known as a blind persistent cross-site script. It could enable any maliciously minded hacker to log in as a site administrator and broadcast whatever content he or she wanted from the DVIDS website -- which is the primary way the U.S. military keeps the public informed about its activities around the world...
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Humetrix Demos Consumer-Controlled, Highly Secure Mobile Health Technology at Digital Health Technology Expo
Humetrix, a provider of m-health and analytics platforms, will showcase three of its award-winning mobile platforms: iBlueButton, SOS QR and TENSIO, at today’s Digital Health Technology Expo at FDA headquarters. iBlueButton allows millions of healthcare consumers and their caregivers to receive, annotate, store and share their records, while keeping the data secure and under the patient’s direct control on their own device. Because of Humetrix’s unique approach, the company’s platforms have been chosen by U.S. and European public and private healthcare organizations for care coordination, chronic care management and personal safety...
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IEEE and UL to Develop a Standard for Wireless Diabetes Device Security Provided by DTS
UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) and IEEE recently signed a Joint Standard Development agreement to develop a consensus-based standard for wireless diabetes device security. The Standard for Wireless Diabetes Device Security (DTSec) has been provided by the Diabetes Technology Society (DTS) for use in this effort. "The collaboration is a first for IEEE and UL and demonstrates a shared commitment to advance healthcare, bringing significant health benefits to patients in need, while also safeguarding their data and privacy," said Konstantinos Karachalios, Managing Director, IEEE Standards Association...
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New Global Survey Finds Companies Lack Adequate Data Privacy and Consent Tools
ForgeRock®...announced the results of its global survey conducted by TechValidate, which found 93 percent agreement among IT professionals that customer data privacy concerns are a critical issue at the C-level. Yet only nine percent of IT professionals surveyed believe that current privacy and consent methods are adequate. When asked about the requirements for new methods, 96 percent of surveyed IT professionals agreed that there is an increasing need for dynamic and flexible privacy tools that are adaptable to future borderless regulatory requirements and consumer expectations.
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NIST to Release New Guidance for Strengthening Hospital Cybersecurity
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is poised to deliver new cybersecurty guidance, according to NIST fellow Ronald Ross. NIST offers a security framework that was developed for the federal government that helps organizations understand, select and implement security controls. Ross likened the NIST framework, developed for the federal government under the Federal Information Security Modernization Act, to a very large catalog of privacy and security controls to safeguard the enterprise form hostile cyberattacks...
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ONC Announces Blockchain Challenge Winners
The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) today announced the winners of the Use of Blockchain in Health IT and Health-related Research Challenge. A Blockchain—most commonly associated with digital currency—is a data structure that can be timed-stamped and signed using a private key to prevent tampering. ONC received more than 70 submissions from a wide range of individuals, organizations and companies addressing ways that Blockchain technology might be used in health and health IT to protect, manage, and exchange electronic health information...
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ONC's 5 Goals For The Federal Health IT Strategic Plan
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT on Wednesday shared more detail about its vision for the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020 it laid down last week...
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Patient Health Information Precariously Safeguarded, According to Privacy Analytics
According to a new infographic compiled by Ottawa data privacy company Privacy Analytics, costs associated with a data breach, including notification, legal fines, legal fees, forensics, PR, etc., amounts to approximately $208 per person. While data breaches across the board are damaging, from major corporate leaks like Target to member-based services like Ashley Madison, it’s the leaking of personal health information (PHI) that is most sensitive and which Privacy Analytics specializes in...
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Patient-Controlled Data: The Key to Interoperability?
Mr. Nagpal argues the issue here is one of who controls patient data — is it the patients themselves or care providers and vendors? He says if patients control their data — choose who gets access to it and see who's doing what with it — many of the proposed barriers to interoperability would dissolve. "Being able to access our own information from across our care team in a joined up manner, and then being able to determine who can access that information and for what uses, I think of these as fundamental rights," Mr. Nagpal says. "Given these rights, each one of us can grant any member of our care team, including our friends and family, researchers and any innovator with an interesting solution, with access to our data under our control"
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PokitDok Achieves EHNAC Cloud-Enabled and Outsourced Services Accreditation for Health Information Exchange
PokitDok, a software development platform for the business of healthcare, announced today it has achieved full accreditation with the Outsourced Services Accreditation Program (OSAP) for Health Information Exchange (HIE) and the Cloud-Enabled Accreditation Program (CEAP) from the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC)...
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Privacy Onus May Shift From Individual To Data Users
Derek Slater reported here last week on John Podesta's 79-page White House report on privacy issues in a post titled "Praise, criticism as groups dissect White House big data report." I'll just add to that some information from another related White House report issued on the same day...
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Private Health Funds Accused of Misusing Patient Data for Commercial Gain
Private health insurers that also own dental surgeries are misusing data obtained through the HICAPS claiming system for commercial benefit, the Australian Dental Association has warned a Productivity Commission inquiry into expanded data sharing. The inquiry, for which submissions close on July 29, is examining the benefits and costs of data being shared more widely between public sector agencies, private sector organisations, the research sector, academics and the community...
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Q&A with Andy Oram: How Can We Tell Whether Predictive Analytics Are Biased?
The fear of reproducing society's prejudices through computer algorithms is being hotly discussed in both academic publications and the popular press. Just a few of the publications warning about bias in predictive analytics include the New York Times, the Guardian, the Harvard Business Review, and particularly a famous and hotly contested article by Propublica on predictions of recidivism among criminal defendants...
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