Open Source Initiative (OSI), the non-profit corporation that educates about and advocates for the importance of non-proprietary software, is hosting its 2nd Deep Dive: AI event, this one focused on Defining Open Source AI. The goal is to work toward establishing a clear and defendable definition of “Open Source AI.” OSI is bringing together global experts to establish a shared set of principles that can recreate a permissionless, pragmatic and simplified collaboration for AI practitioners, similar to what the Open Source Definition has done.
data transparency
See the following -
5 Open Source Projects That Are Improving the World
One of the strengths of the open source community has been its ability to bring concentrated effort to bear on big problems. When tragedy strikes, or a pressing need arises, there are groups of people who gather together to attempt to solve the problems as a community. You may not have heard of these five open source projects, but they are attacking some of the world's biggest problems and making a true impact in people's lives... Read More »
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Data Sharing, EHR Interoperability Keys To Improving Clinical Trials
As the complexity of clinical trials continues to grow, increased data sharing and interoperability will become more important, according to panelists participating at a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing Wednesday...
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Healthcare Uncertainty Reigns Supreme
I usually don’t reference studies conducted exclusively by health IT vendors in my columns. [...] However, I’m breaking this self-imposed rule this week by highlighting data from a recent study conducted by Greenway Medical Technologies titled Healthcare Information Technology: Trends And Transformations. Read More »
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Open Source Initiative Hosts 2nd Deep Dive AI Event, Aims to Define ‘Open Source’ for AI
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Precision Medicine, Blue Button Among White House Big Data Efforts
Precision medicine, medical research, and improved patient engagement through initiatives like Blue Button are among the highlight achievements of the Obama Administration’s emphasis on data transparency and information sharing, says a White House fact sheet celebrating the nation’s big data progress. The following is a rundown of some of the specific open-data health efforts of the Obama Administration...
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Senators Grassley, Wyden Call For More Billing Transparency
“Medicare is a $500 billion program with billions of dollars going out in error each year,” Grassley said June 4 in a news release. “The bad actors get bigger and bolder all the time. They stay out of law enforcement’s reach all too often. It’s time to try new things.” Read More »
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Senators Grassley, Wyden Call For More Billing Transparency
“Medicare is a $500 billion program with billions of dollars going out in error each year,” Grassley said June 4 in a news release. “The bad actors get bigger and bolder all the time. They stay out of law enforcement’s reach all too often. It’s time to try new things.” Read More »
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Socrata’s New 2014 Benchmark Report Shows Rapid and Widespread Adoption of Open Data By Governments
...the research confirms that open data is growing quickly; that governments throughout the country have already realized the benefits of open data; and that open data is, and will be, a primary tool for governments to interact with their many stakeholders.
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UK Big Data Project To Capture Personal Data and Experiences Of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Over an initial three year period, the OPTIMISE project will develop and deploy tools for collecting a wide range of data from people with MS in addition to routine clinical assessments. The project will work to integrate brain scans, genomics data, biomarkers from blood samples, self-reported quality of life measures and data from sensors that track movement into a single database. The project will initially pilot the tools through MS centres in Imperial and three other UK institutions before expanding access to the approach for researchers worldwide. Read More »
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US and UK working to strengthen use of health IT for better patient care
As the use of health information technology (health IT) grows in both the United States and the United Kingdom, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and U.K. Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt today signed a bi-lateral agreement for the use and sharing of health IT information and tools. The agreement strengthens efforts to cultivate and increase the use of health IT tools and information designed to help improve the quality and efficiency of the delivery of health care in both countries.
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White House Unveils Action Plan For Gov’t Data Transparency; Steve VanRoekel, Todd Park Comment
The Obama administration has introduced a plan calling for federal agencies to make their datasets publicly available as part of an open government initiative, Federal News Radio reported Tuesday. Shefali Kapadia writes that the White House wants agencies to prioritize the public’s research needs when sharing open data...
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2nd Deep Dive Event: Defining Open Source Artificial Intelligence
Open Source Initiative (OSI), the non-profit corporation that educates about and advocates for the importance of non-proprietary software, is hosting its 2nd Deep Dive: AI event, this one focused on Defining Open Source AI. The goal is to work toward establishing a clear and defendable definition of “Open Source AI.” OSI is bringing together global experts to establish a shared set of principles that can recreate a permissionless, pragmatic and simplified collaboration for AI practitioners, similar to what the Open Source Definition has done. OSI is the steward of the Open Source Definition, which serves as the foundation of the modern software ecosystem, outlining the distribution terms of Open Source software. OSI also maintains a list of OSI Approved Licenses that have become a nexus of trust around which developers, users, corporations and governments can organize Open Source cooperation.
“It’s time to define what ‘open’ means in AI before it is defined by accident,” said Stefano Maffulli, executive director of OSI. “This milestone project is essential right now. Policymakers, re-users and modifiers are confused, and developers aren’t clear on data sharing and transparency. A permission structure is needed to help fight open washing.”
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