It's kind of "dog-bites-man" type news, but there is even more evidence that physicians not only don't think EHRs are helping them but actually see them as contributing to burnout. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that use of EHRs (or computerized physician order entries -- CPOEs) was associated with lower satisfaction with time spent on clerical tasks, with nearly half of physicians saying the amount of time spent on clerical tasks was unreasonable. No wonder the AMA CEO recently complained that physicians were turning into the "most expensive data entry force on the face of the planet."
mobile phones
See the following -
mHealth: Pocket Healthcare
The ability of mobile phones to monitor basic human patterns using digital input from its user has allowed it to transform every aspect of human life. Given the mobile phone’s computing capacity and wide usage, it has recently been adopted as a tool by the global healthcare industry...
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Africa Innovations: 15 Ideas Helping To Transform A Continent
A mobile phone database for dairy farmers and a strain of sweet potato that can help fight child blindness. These are just two of the imaginative new ideas that are tackling Africa's old problems Read More »
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Africa’s Age Of Innovation Could Make Continent A Major Economic Power
Over the past few days, tech experts and global authorities have urged African countries to embrace innovation and technology in order to transform the entire continent into a global, economic powerhouse. Thanks to a new wave of tech startups and government investments into these new businesses, experts believe Africa could be on the verge of an age of great innovation...
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e Foundation Announces Financial Grant From SIDN Fund For Integrated App Privacy Center For /e/OS
SIDN Fund will support the development of an integrated privacy center for Android™ that will be included in /e/OS. The project will span over the next two years and aims to help users gain better control of their personal data on their smartphones.../e/OS delivers on its promise of a clean, privacy first, and fully deGoogled mobile Operating System on your phone, but the minute you install an app to hail a ride, book a restaurant or chat with your friends and family, you might unknowingly be compromising your personal data all over again. Most apps include trackers, software that monitors your activity, captures your location or even accesses the documents on your phone without you knowing. This is where our Privacy Center application will come into play.
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Flinders University App Allows Mobile Phones to Maintain Contact When There’s No Signal
An app developed by Flinders University to maintain mobile phone contact in disaster zones with no cellular signals has won a $279,000 humanitarian award. The Serval Mesh software lets users talk and text each other even when the usual mobile phone coverage fails. It is one of five winners in the Pacific Humanitarian Challenge, sponsored by the Federal Government, who will share $2 million prizemoney to further develop their projects...
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Guess What: Docs Don't Like EHRs
Hoffmann And Jeon On Using ICT For Clean Water In Kibera
The February 10 Liberation Technology seminar titled, Can ICT Improve Clean Water Delivery Systems in Slums? Lessons from Kibera was led by two Stanford students, Katherine Hoffman, M.A. Candidate in International Policy Studies and Global Health together with Sunny Jeon, PhD candidate in Political Science... Read More »
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How Can Chatbots Help Us Respond to Humanitarian Crisis?
At the moment, The World Food Programme (WFP) and the wider humanitarian system are #FightingFamine in four countries. In Somalia, Yemen, North-Eastern Nigeria and South Sudan 20 million people are on the brink of starvation. Our recent study “At the Root of Exodus” found that high levels of food insecurity lead to higher levels of migration across borders; UNHCR estimates that there are 65.6 million people forcibly displaced worldwide. The stakes are high, we need all the information we can get...
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In Kenyan Slum, Mobile Phones Pinpoint Better Water
Single-room shacks with mud walls, metal roofs and dirt floors sleep families of eight here. Plastic bags filled with human waste are thrown into unpaved streets [...].Trash piles up in front of homes and storefronts. The flies are everywhere. People struggle to survive but the appetite for change is strong. Read More »
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Is There Ebola On That Smartphone?
Medical staff treating patients with Ebola and other communicable diseases in Africa face a novel kind of smartphone security problem...
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Jenny Aker On Mobile Phones And Economic Development In Africa
Jenny Aker an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department and Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, provided an overview of the welfare impacts of mobile technologies and how current research is testing our assumptions about the benefits of mobile phones for individuals in developing countries. Read More »
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Mobile Devices Linked To Better Health
More than 6 billion people worldwide (including almost 400 million in the United States) now carry mobile phones, which could be used to enhance mental and physical health, a Cornell researcher proposed. Read More »
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Mobile Midwifery Delivers Health To Ghanaian Moms
One mobile phone app delivers time-sensitive text messages or voicemails to pregnant women and new mothers; the other is for nurses. Together they are doing wonders for maternal and pregnancy health care and raising community awareness at the same time...
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Mozilla Lights Up Preorders For Firefox OS-Driven Flame
Firefox OS fans across the globe can now preorder Flame, the Web-based mobile operating system's first official reference phone...
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Mozilla's Firefox OS Readies For Africa Launch
The Mozilla Foundation has signed deals with three new operators to bring Firefox OS to the continent...
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