The following is a guest blog post from Seth Berkowitz, MD, who authors many of the innovative apps in the BIDMC Crowdsourcing program: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, has developed BIDMC@home, a new app for engaging patients using Apple’s CareKit and ResearchKit frameworks and the HealthKit API. The app provides a flexible framework to help patients manage their health from home, as directed by their physicians. The app will be piloted in several specific patient populations and will eventually be offered to BIDMC’s entire network of over 250,000 patients...
patient outcomes
See the following -
An Open Source Vision
A campaign is attempting to bring VistA, an open source IT system, to the NHS. Why should you consider it? Read More »
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Are Industry Rankings Really Indicative of EHR Usability?
A high ranking for an EHR might not be indicative of its actual usability. This becomes clear when one compares recent industry rankings with polls and testimony coming straight from users. Just last week, KLAS released its Best in KLAS rankings, with Epic Systems clearly coming out on top. Taking home two overall rankings and seven other Best in KLAS rankings, the EHR vendor giant continued to assert its dominance in the health IT industry...
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Axial Exchange Sees Growing Momentum With Multiple Customer Wins And FitBit Integration
Axial Exchange, Inc., a pioneer in using mobile apps to deepen the patient’s role in improving outcomes, today announced that the company is continuing to see increased demand for its mobile patient engagement solutions both by new customers and strategic partners. Read More »
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Beth Israel's CareKit App Leverages FHIR for Patient Engagement
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DSS and First Databank Collaborate to Enhance Patient Care and Outcomes
Document Storage Systems, Inc. (DSS), the leading provider of health information technology (HIT) solutions for federal, private and public healthcare organizations, today announced a collaboration with FDB (First Databank), the leading provider of clinical drug knowledge that helps improve medication-related decisions and patient outcomes. DSS will incorporate FDB’s MedsTracker® MedRec and e-Prescribing solutions within its open source EHR system, vxVistA, to enhance patient care transitions and help healthcare organizations achieve Meaningful Use compliance...
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DXC Technology Unveils DXC Open Health Connect Platform Globally to Create a Connected Ecosystem for Better Healthcare Outcomes
DXC announced DXC Open Health Connect, a digital health platform that enables healthcare providers to give better quality of care and patient outcomes by enabling interoperability between disparate environments to provide data when and where it’s needed across the healthcare system...A connected healthcare ecosystem — including integrated delivery networks, accurate patient data and increased access to information — is essential to lowering costs, improving care quality and boosting patient outcomes. DXC’s agile, cloud-based DXC Open Health Connect enterprise platform delivers the necessary tools and blueprints to healthcare providers and payers to quickly and securely integrate and flow data across the healthcare network.
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Every Person Deserves Access To Health Care
On the occasion of Medicare’s 47th birthday, we urge the immediate expansion of Medicare to everyone in the United States. We need a health care system that provides access to every one of us, no matter how sick, poor, old or unemployed we may be. We need reduced costs. We need improved health outcomes. Read More »
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Health Care Should Be Five By Five
People love to talk about "moonshots" in health (e.g., Joe Biden, GE). I'm not exactly sure why that is a good goal. The actual moonshot took thousands of people many years and tens of billions, all to send a few people far away for a short period and never again. It may or may not have produced otherwise useful technological advances (Tang, anyone?). Sounds a lot like health care now, actually. I suggest a different goal: let's make health care "Five by Five." Five by five is a communications term to quantify the signal-to-noise ratio. It means the best possible readability with the best possible signal strength. I.e., the signal is loud and clear. By contrast, "one by one" would essentially mean "I can't figure out what you're telling me but that's OK, because I can't really hear you"...
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Losing the Doctor Lottery
Donna Jackson Nakazawa's insightful Health Affairs article "How to Win the Doctor Lottery" is, in turn, sad, frightening, wise, and hopeful. She recounts some of her personal travails in finding the right doctors, the ones who will truly listen and become "a partner on my path to healing," and offers several suggestions about what has to happen for us to have more chance to "win." The real question, though, is not how to win the doctor lottery we find ourselves in, but why we're playing it at all. Getting the right doctor is hard. Consider the following: It's easy enough to find out where a physician went to medical school and did their residency. It's not as easy to know what the best medical schools or best teaching hospitals are, other than by reputations (that may or may not be deserved)...
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Mental Health Conditions Negatively Affect Social And Economic Opportunity
A recent study revealed that adults in the City of St. Louis spend an average of 4.5 days a month in poor mental health, with St. Louis County not lagging far behind, at an average of 3 days a month. Read More »
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Prometheus Research Announces $1M in Expanded Funding From Public and Private Sectors, Sees Broader Applications for Their Integrated Registry Platform
Prometheus Research announced today they have received nearly $1M in additional support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and health-focused private philanthropies for their work developing open-source integrated registry software and related clinical research informatics data standards. Building on the success of their Phase I SBIR award from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), two new NIH awards provide significant additional funding for enhancing Prometheus' Research Exchange Database (RexDB®) platform with features required in interventional research.
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SAGE's Open Access Medicine And Engineering Journals: Now Open For Submissions
SAGE today announced that all three of their latest open access journals are now open for submissions – SAGE Open Medicine, SAGE Open Medical Case Reports and SAGE Open Engineering. Read More »
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U.S. Ranks First in Health Care Spending, but Cancer Outcomes Do Not Reflect the Investment, Study Finds
The U.S. health care system is characterized-on a global level-by its unsustainable health care spending, which does not necessarily correlate to better outcomes in patients with cancer. With $2.9 trillion spent on U.S. health care in 2013, the United States ranks first in health care spending among the world's leading economies. To investigate the implications of socioeconomic status (SES) and health expenditures on cancer outcomes and mortality, researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, led by Jad Chahoud, MD, conducted an ecological study at the state level for three distinct patient populations: breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and all-cancer populations..
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Why Medicare Cuts Will Quietly Kill Seniors
The recent news that thousands of seniors with cancer are being denied treatment with expensive chemotherapy drugs as a result of sequestration-mandated budget cuts raises the question of whether other patients are being equally harmed, but less visibly. Read More »
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Zoeticx Challenges Lack of Interoperability with Open Middleware Technology
Zoeticx software bridges the gap between medical data and quality patient care. The company offers software solutions for the healthcare industry which are dedicated to Improving Patient Outcomes®, enhancing the quality of care, containing costs, and simplifying administration. These solutions offer an immediate increase in the quality of care by delivering the right information to the right caregiver at the right time, in a manner that can be easily understood. In making an impact on a new healthcare landscape ushered in by Obamacare and the medical industry itself, Zoeticx champions new paradigms through innovation with a patient-centric approach. Its solutions are unique to their ability to address these problems. Read More »
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